British media said Kate was witnessed appearing looking _happy_ relaxed and healthy_

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According to a report by the British “Sun” on March 17, Princess Kate went to her favorite farm store and took the first step towards returning to official activities.

Witnesses said Kate appeared on the 16th a mile (16 kilometers) away from the Adelaide cabin where she lived, looking happy, relaxed and healthy.

In addition, Kate and William also watched several children George, Charlotte and Louis participate in sports that morning.

Kate’s appearance came against the backdrop of wild speculation and gossip about her health and whereabouts that left the royal couple extremely uneasy.

A witness at the Windsor Farm store said: After all these rumors were circulating, I was surprised to see them there.

Kate and William were out shopping. She seemed happy and in good shape.

The children were not with them at the time, but her health was sufficient to allow her to appear in the store, which was a good sign.

Kate was last seen performing public duties last Christmas and has been unable to perform official functions since undergoing surgery in January.

According to a report by Newsweek on March 17, news about Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, has attracted extremely high attention across the Atlantic, surpassing the two ironclad candidates in the 2024 U.S. presidential election, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

On average, U.S. users have searched for the word Middleton on Google six times as many times as Trump and nine times as Biden in the past seven days, according to Google Trend Analytics Chart.

On March 10, Kensington Palace released a photo of Princess Kate and her three children celebrating Mother’s Day in the UK. A day later, Kate admitted editing the photo after news agencies including the Associated Press and Reuters asked media users to withdraw the photo because they feared it had been tampered with.

Putin_ troops will be redeployed on border with Finland

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Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the 13th that he would redeploy troops on the border between Russia and Finland in response to Finland’s accession to NATO, UPI reported on March 13.

Reported that Putin said in an interview with Russian state media that from the perspective of safeguarding national interests, the actions of Finland and Sweden are absolutely meaningless.

We used to have a good relationship with Finland on the whole, he said. It’s perfect. The two countries do not covet each other, especially territorial claims, let alone other areas. We didn’t even have troops at the border; we withdrew all our troops from the Finnish border.

But this is their decision, Putin said. Now that they have decided that we did not have troops there in the past, we will have them now.

It is reported that in 2022, shortly after Russia sent troops to Ukraine, Finland and Sweden applied to join NATO. Finland became a member of NATO in April last year, and Sweden did not formally join until last week because of opposition from Hungary and Turkey.

Putin’s remarks came after Finnish Prime Minister Peter Riolpo told the European Parliament in Strasbourg that other EU countries must follow Finland’s example and strengthen security in marginal areas. (compiled by Wang Dongdong)

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Putin warns the West: ready for nuclear war

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned the West that Russia is technically ready for a nuclear war and that if the United States sends troops to Ukraine, it will be seen as a major escalation of the war, Reuters reported on March 13.

Putin accepted a joint interview with Russia-1 Channel and Russian News Agency on the 12th. The program about this interview was officially broadcast on the 13th.

In response to the question of whether Russia is really ready to fight a nuclear war, Putin said: from the perspective of military technology, we are certainly ready, the report said.

Putin pointed out that the United States understands that if it deploys US troops on Russian territory or in Ukraine, Russia will regard this as intervention. So while I don’t think it’s all in a hurry to [nuclear confrontation” target=_blank>, we are ready for it, he said.

The conflict in Ukraine triggered the most serious crisis in relations between Russia and the West since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. Putin has repeatedly warned that if the West sends troops to fight in Ukraine, it could lead to a nuclear war.

In the interview, Putin reiterated that the use of nuclear weapons is something already stated in the Kremlin’s nuclear policy, which sets out the possible use of nuclear weapons by Russia.

Putin said: weapons exist to use them. We have our own principles.

The report also said that for the conflict in Ukraine, which has lasted for two years, Putin said that Russia is ready to hold serious talks on the Ukraine issue.

Putin said: Russia is ready to negotiate on Ukraine, but the negotiations should be based on reality, not on desire after the use of psychotropic substances.

Reuters reported last month that Putin’s proposal to cease fire in Ukraine to freeze the war was rejected by the United States after middlemen between Russia and the United States.

According to the report, he also said in an interview that if the United States conducts a nuclear test, Russia may do the same.

We may not have to consider this issue, but I do not rule out the possibility that we will do the same, he said. (compiled by Longjun)

Kim Jong_un continues to guide military training of the Korean People_s Army

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Seoul, March 14. KCNA reported on the 14th that Kim Jong-un, General Secretary of the Workers ‘Party of Korea and Chairman of the State Councilor, directed the People’s Army Tank Corps Joint Force to conduct a confrontation training competition on the 13th. KCNA public reports show that Kim Jong-un has guided the People’s Army’s military training on site many times this month.

KCNA said that the confrontation training competition aims to test the tank soldiers ‘actual combat capabilities and be proficient in tactics. North Korea’s new main tank participated in the competition.

The report said that Kim Jong-un expressed great satisfaction with the combat performance, strike capabilities and mobility of the new main tank. He also boarded the new main tank and drove it himself.

The report said that Kim Jong-un emphasized the important role of tank soldiers in modern warfare and called for increased efforts to organize and hold practical training and training competitions to improve combat effectiveness.

According to previous reports from KCNA, Kim Jong-un also guided the People’s Army’s artillery training earlier this month, and visited training facilities and guided actual military training at important combat training bases in the western region.

The situation in Kharkiv is fierce_ Russia and Uzbekistan issued war reports respectively

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According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on May 14, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on the 14th that Russian troops have taken control of the village of Buglvatka in Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said: After positive action, the northern group troops liberated the village of Buglvatka in Kharkiv Region and broke into the enemy’s deep defense line.

According to Reuters, the Russian state news agency Tass said on the 14th that parts of the city of Wvchansk in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine have been controlled by Russian troops.

According to Tass news agency, Russian troops control some areas in the west and north of Vovchansk.

TASS also said street fighting was taking place in Wolfchansk.

In addition, the Ukraine military said on the 14th that the situation in Wvchansk was under control. But the Ukraine military said its troops had to withdraw to new positions due to high-intensity Russian air strikes.

According to reports, the Ukraine military said in its daily war report that in the northern region of Kharkiv, the number of Russian attacks has decreased significantly.

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on the 13th, Ukraine media quoted Ukrainian Army Chief of Staff Vargilevich as saying that Ukrainian army reserve troops were sent to the Kharkiv region to cope with the Russian advance.

According to reports, Balgilevich said: This morning, the enemy intensified its activities in the Vovchansk region and fighting was taking place. We responded quickly to the enemy’s deployment and dispatched reserve troops.

Reports said that earlier on the 13th, Kharkiv State Councilor Skolik said that Russian troops had begun to encircle Vovchansk. He said that very difficult positional warfare is taking place locally. At the same time, France’s Le Monde newspaper quoted a Ukrainian soldier who declined to be named as saying that the Kiev authorities were not ready to defend Wolfchansk and that the region had no necessary means to stop the Russian offensive. (Compiled by Pan Jian)

Biden_ _It_s not me who has a problem in the brain_

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According to the Associated Press reported on March 17, U.S. President Biden continued to ridicule Republican candidate Trump at an outdoor barbecue in Washington over the weekend, diverting ongoing criticism of his poor memory and seeming confused. He emphasized that 77-year-old Trump also makes mistakes.

Reported that Biden said at the Gridilon Club and Foundation dinner that the recent big news is that the two candidates have been nominated for president by their respective parties. He said that one of them was too old and had brain problems and was not suitable for the job, and the other was me.

Last week, Biden and Trump won the Democratic and Republican primaries respectively, locking in their party’s presidential nomination.

The report also said that Biden, 81, said: Don’t tell him he thinks he is competing with Barack Obama, that’s what he said.

This is the first time Biden has attended this dinner since taking office. The 2024 U.S. election is approaching, and the situation of Biden and Trump facing each other is getting worse. (Compiled by Yang Xinpeng)

Six more countries have been added to the visa_free _circle of friends_ today. China continues to launch a series of practical measures

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Beijing, March 13 (Xinhua)– six more countries! The expansion of visa-free moments sends a strong signal of China’s opening up.


Starting from March 14, China will try out the visa-free policy for ordinary passport holders in Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg. This is another expansion of China’s visa-free circle of friends following the formal entry into force of the China-Thailand visa abolition agreement on the 1st of this month.

According to the relevant arrangements, people from Switzerland and other six countries who hold ordinary passports to China for business, sightseeing, visiting relatives and friends and transit for no more than 15 days from March 14 to November 30 in 2024 can enter China visa-free. People from the above-mentioned countries who do not meet the visa-free conditions are still required to apply for a visa to come to China before entering the country.

As of early March, China had concluded visa abolition agreements covering different passports with 157 countries and reached visa simplification agreements or arrangements with 44 countries. Including Singapore, Antigua and Barbuda and Thailand, which have signed visa abolition agreements with China since the beginning of this year, 23 countries have implemented comprehensive visa abolition arrangements with China. In addition, more than 60 countries and regions have granted Chinese citizens visa-free or visa-on-arrival treatment.

Leon, a Swiss businessman, runs a tourism service in Geneva and has many Chinese partners. He said that after China’s visa-free entry into force for Switzerland, it will be more convenient to visit friends or discuss cooperation in China. I believe there will be more Swiss like me, planning to go to China for a visit.

For some time, the Chinese side has continuously introduced a number of visa optimization measures to come to China, including reducing the contents of visa application forms, reducing visa fees in stages, simplifying the examination and approval procedures for studying in China, exempting some applicants from fingerprints, visa-free appointments, and trying out visa-free policies for some countries, to further solve the difficulties and congestion points of foreigners coming to China.

During the Spring Festival this year, the number of inbound tourists from China reached 3.23 million, and the number of visa-free tourists from France, Germany, Malaysia and Singapore increased significantly, and the total number of inbound travel orders from these countries doubled compared with the same period in 2019.

The Chinese side also continues to launch a series of practical measures to make life convenient for foreigners and make them feel at home.

In order to better meet the diversified payment service needs of groups, including foreign visitors to China, the “opinions on further optimizing payment Services to enhance payment convenience” was officially released on March 7. a series of requirements are put forward in improving the environment for accepting bank cards, continuously optimizing the environment for the use of cash, and improving the convenience of mobile payment.

In addition, in view of the practical problems encountered by foreign visitors in using mobile payment, the people’s Bank of China instructs Alipay and Tenpay to optimize their business processes, improve the efficiency of binding overseas bank cards, and simplify identity verification arrangements while effectively protecting the security of personal information. Major payment institutions are instructed to raise the limit of individual transactions for foreign visitors to China to use mobile payments from US $1000 to US $5000, and the annual cumulative transaction limit from US $10,000 to US $50, 000.

In various scenes that are closely related to people’s lives, such as food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping, entertainment, and medicine, the small move of getting through the last kilometer one by one reflects the consideration of constantly improving the level of international service and promoting people-to-people exchanges between China and foreign countries.

Continuously improve the convenience of Chinese and foreign personnel exchanges and foreign personnel in China, taking into account the actual needs of people in Sino-foreign exchanges, has a strong realistic pertinence, but also in line with the trend of world integration and development. Su Xiaohui, an associate researcher at the China Academy of International Studies, said that the release of these good news and the acceleration of related work once again demonstrated China’s posture and sincerity in strengthening opening up and cooperation.

At the just-concluded national two sessions, China announced to the world a series of practical measures to promote high-level opening up to the outside world and strengthen international exchanges and cooperation.

We will step up efforts to attract foreign investment, promote the implementation of the eight actions to support high-quality co-building of Belt and Road Initiative, and do a good job in international cooperation platforms such as the entry Expo, the Service Trade Fair, the Consumer Expo and the chain Expo. In the bright picture of holding the new session of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation hand in hand and mutual benefit, the cake of cooperation between China and the rest of the world is bound to grow bigger and bigger.

Yang Mingjie, director of the China Institute of Modern International Relations, said that in the context of the weak global economic recovery, instability and uncertainty, the strong signal of openness and cooperation sent by China has injected more momentum and valuable certainty into promoting the common development of the world. The relationship between China and the world market will be closer and colorful.

Over the past few days, international media and scholars have expressed their confidence in the prospects of China’s opening up and development: China’s further opening up to the outside world provides growth opportunities for global partners and China’s new development provides new opportunities for the world. This is in line with the strong desire of the people of all countries for peaceful development.

Starting from spring, a vibrant China will write more wonderful stories about blending with the world and achieving each other. (reporters Wang Bin, permit, Shi Jingnan, Ren Qinqin, Zhu Chao, Wu Yue)

South Korean citizen groups rally to protest against the so_called _democracy summit_ held in South Korea

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Seoul, March 18 (Reporters Lu Rui and Sun Yiran) The so-called Third Democracy Summit led by the United States was held in Seoul, South Korea from the 18th to the 20th. South Korean citizen groups held a rally in central Seoul on the 18th to protest the so-called democracy summit.

According to local media reports, South Korean citizens ‘group National Popular Action held a press conference near the venue of the Democracy Summit on the same day to express their protest. People held banners that opposed the democracy summit held to maintain U.S. hegemony, and shouted slogans such as the democracy summit spreading false democracy and condemning Yin Yue’s government for blindly following the U.S. -centered value alliance.

Some rally participants said that the United States decided to hold the democracy summit in South Korea. Its intention was very obvious, to maintain its hegemony that was gradually collapsing and push South Korea to the front line of camp confrontation.

South Korea’s “Jingxiang Shimbun” published a commentary on the 17th, saying that the so-called democracy summit with the logic of camp confrontation does not have much support around the world, but South Korea has taken the lead in promoting the new Cold War values of the United States. Whether such an approach will help South Korea’s national interests is questionable.

Under the banner of democracy, the United States held the so-called democracy summit via video in December 2021 and a combination of online and offline in March 2023, which have been widely questioned by the international community.

Russian Ministry of Economic Development_ North Caucasus region willing to strengthen investment cooperation with China

consequently ddos攻击 I also got a lot of attention and wanted to join the ranks.

Grozny, Russia, July 15 (Reporters Liu Kai and Chen Ting) Russian Deputy Minister of Economic Development Sergey Nazarov said in an interview with reporters on the 15th that Russia’s North Caucasus region hopes to carry out cooperation with China and is looking for opportunities to attract Chinese companies invest here.

Nazarov told reporters during the 2024 Caucasus Investment Forum that day that Russia is interested in cooperating with China’s multi-domain names. For example, Russia has discussed the possibility of cooperation in the automotive industry with many Chinese countries, especially hoping to promote Localized production of auto parts.

Nazarov said that the North Caucasus region has huge investment potential, is rich in natural resources, is expanding sales markets, and each region has its own characteristics. The Russian government is prepared to support these regions in improving investment attractiveness.

The 2024 Caucasus Investment Forum opened on the 15th in Grozny, the capital of the Chechen Republic of Russia, and will last for three days. More than 4000 representatives from more than 50 countries and regions attended the forum to discuss regional development and cooperation.

Russian Ministry of Economic Development_ North Caucasus region willing to strengthen investment cooperation with China

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Grozny, Russia, July 15 (Reporters Liu Kai and Chen Ting) Russian Deputy Minister of Economic Development Sergey Nazarov said in an interview with reporters on the 15th that Russia’s North Caucasus region hopes to carry out cooperation with China and is looking for opportunities to attract Chinese companies invest here.

Nazarov told reporters during the 2024 Caucasus Investment Forum that day that Russia is interested in cooperating with China’s multi-domain names. For example, Russia has discussed the possibility of cooperation in the automotive industry with many Chinese countries, especially hoping to promote Localized production of auto parts.

Nazarov said that the North Caucasus region has huge investment potential, is rich in natural resources, is expanding sales markets, and each region has its own characteristics. The Russian government is prepared to support these regions in improving investment attractiveness.

The 2024 Caucasus Investment Forum opened on the 15th in Grozny, the capital of the Chechen Republic of Russia, and will last for three days. More than 4000 representatives from more than 50 countries and regions attended the forum to discuss regional development and cooperation.

An attack on a prison car in France killed 2 people and injured 3 people_ Macron spoke out

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Paris, May 14 (Reporter Tang Jiyan) Armed men attacked a prison truck at a highway toll station in the province of Eure in northern France on the 14th, killing two prison guards and seriously injuring three others.

According to French media reports, at around 11 a.m. local time, a group of armed men attacked a prison truck at the toll station and stole a prisoner suspected of drug trafficking and intentional homicide being escorted on the prison truck. After the incident, a highway connected to the toll station was closed in both directions.

French President Macron said on social media that the attack shocked everyone and the government was making every effort to find the attacker. French Interior Minister Darmanin said on social media that hundreds of police and gendarmerie had been dispatched after the incident.

At present, the French National Gendarmerie Action Team has rushed to the scene of the incident. The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office’s judicial branch responsible for combating organized crime began an investigation into the attack.