Zakharova_ NATO chooses _second front_ against Russia

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According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zakharova said at a press conference that NATO has chosen a new direction of confrontation with Russia.

Reported that Zakharova said: NATO’s top priority is to open up a second front against my country in the Transcaucasia and reignite the war throughout the region.

She said NATO was not satisfied with Russia’s conciliatory policies in the Transcaucasia region.

The report mentioned that NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg visited Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, on the 19th and called on Armenia and Azerbaijan to sign an agreement aimed at paving the way for the normalization of relations between the two countries.

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that NATO’s attempts to expand its influence may not strengthen stability in the Caucasus region. (Compiled by Zheng Yu)

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NATO troops exercise near Russian border

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, the Polish Ministry of Defense released a message saying that the NATO Northeast Division, composed of multinational forces, practiced defensive operations during exercises held in imaginary areas near the Russian border.

Poland’s Ministry of Defense said: During the Loyalty Lecda 2024 exercise, soldiers of the multinational Northeast Division were given such a task to carry out defensive operations in an imaginary area similar to the situation in northeastern Poland.

Reported that the command department of NATO’s Northeast Division refused to disclose details of the exercise content.

According to reports, the NATO Northeast Division headquarters is located in Elblong, Poland, and its mission is to coordinate the actions of NATO troops deployed in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. (Compiled by Liu Yang)

Biden signs bill to ban U.S. imports of Russian uranium

As a representative of the industry, LANA電子煙 It is necessary to set a certain example for peers and lead the way in product quality.

Washington, May 13 (Reporter Deng Xianlai) U.S. President Biden signed a bill on the 13th to ban the United States from importing low-enriched uranium produced in Russia.

Jack Sullivan, U.S. National Security Assistant to the President, issued a statement on the same day saying that Biden signed the “Ban the Import of Russian Uranium Act” and made it law, aiming to reduce and ultimately eliminate the U.S. dependence on Russia in the civil nuclear energy field.

The bill has previously been passed in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. According to regulations, 90 days after the bill takes effect, U.S. companies will not be allowed to import low-enriched uranium produced in Russia. The bill provides exemptions for utilities such as nuclear power plants that have to shut down nuclear reactors due to cutting off Russia’s uranium supply. The exemption policy will expire no later than January 1, 2028. The bill also authorizes the federal government to allocate $27.2 billion in funding previously approved by Congress to enhance the U.S. domestic uranium enrichment capabilities.

According to the Washington Post, U.S. companies currently import about US$1 billion worth of enriched uranium from Russia’s national atomic energy every year.

Director of Russia_s Foreign Intelligence Service_ France prepares to send the first batch of 2_000 troops to Ukraine

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According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on March 19, Sergei Naryshkin, director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, said that France is ready to send a task force to Ukraine. In the initial phase, the force will reach approximately 2000 military personnel.

Reported that the Foreign Intelligence Agency’s Information Office quoted Naryshkin as saying in a statement: The current French ruling team does not care about the lives and lives of ordinary French people, nor does it take the generals ‘concerns to heart. According to information obtained by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, a task force for deployment to Ukraine is being prepared. In the first stage, there were about 2000 people.

He stressed that French troops would be a priority target for Russian troops.

The news said: The French military is worried that it will not be possible to allow this heavy force to enter Ukraine without attracting attention. In this way, this force will become a priority legal target for Russian strikes.

Naryshkin said that the French army is very concerned about the increasing number of French people killed in Ukraine.

According to the report, according to the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, France admitted that it has not suffered such losses overseas since the Algeria War in the second half of the 20th century.

Sources pointed out that on January 17 alone, Russian armed forces destroyed a temporary deployment site for foreign militants near Kharkiv, killing dozens of French citizens. Since then, such strikes have become the norm in the conflict in Ukraine.

The report mentioned that because of this, the country’s military leadership is worried about dissatisfaction among current mid-level officers in the French army. However, the Elysee Palace said that the number of French killed in battle in Ukraine has exceeded a psychologically important threshold, and the release of these numbers may trigger civil protests.

United Nations Special Envoy for Syria_ The current situation in Syria is extremely difficult

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Damascus, March 17 (Reporters Ji Ze Cheng Shuaopeng) The United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria, Pei Kairu, said in the Syrian capital Damascus on the 17th that the current situation in Syria is extremely difficult and faces challenges in security, economic and political process.

After meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Mekdad that day, Pei Kaiju told the media that Syria’s humanitarian needs are increasing, but aid funds are decreasing.

Regarding the recent escalation of the conflict between the Syrian government and the opposition, Pei Kaiju urged both sides to resolve the crisis politically in a way that gave hope to the Syria people. He also said that the United Nations will continue to work hard to increase aid funds to help Syria meet relevant challenges.

The World Health Organization said on the 16th that the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Syria currently reaches 16.7 million, more than at any time since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011.

Russian man threw cigarette butts into the sewer and killed himself_ and the nearby cameras were hit and tilted.

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According to the Tass news agency, a man threw a cigarette butt into the sewer in Hasavur, Republic of Dagestan, Russia, and caused an explosion, killing himself and his companions.

According to reports, surveillance footage showed that at the time of the incident, the man and his companion parked the car on the roadside, got off the bus and smoked together, and then threw the cigarette butts into the sewer. Subsequently, the cigarette butts ignited the gas in the sewer, causing a violent explosion. The two people were killed on the spot, and even the nearby cameras were tilted.

Reported that failure to follow safety precautions resulted in an explosion of acetylene gas-air mixture in the sewer.

According to preliminary information obtained from the investigation, the two men were housing and public service employees and were doing technical work in a nearby residential building.

Currently, the local police are handling the incident.

Wen| Reporter Leng Shuang

Sudden_ 30 rockets hit Israel

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According to the CCTV news client, the Israel Defense Forces announced that at noon local time on the 23rd, northern Israel was attacked by about 30 rockets from the direction of Lebanon, and the air defense alarm continued to be sounded in the north.

The Israeli army said that the air defense system intercepted most of the rockets and the rest of the rockets fell into no man’s land, causing no casualties. Subsequently, the Israeli army dispatched warplanes to launch retaliatory air strikes against targets in Lebanon and destroyed a rocket firing position.

The Lebanese side has not responded to this for the time being.

Israeli drones strike southern Lebanon

The Israeli military said that on the morning of May 23 local time, the Israeli army launched a drone strike in southern Lebanon, killing a member of Hezbollah. According to the Israel Defense Forces, the deceased, named Nasir Faran, was a key member of Hezbollah in Lebanon and was responsible for weapons manufacturing and procurement.

Hezbollah announced on the same day that a Hezbollah member named Nasir Faran was killed in an attack, but Hezbollah did not provide any information about his identity.

At least 24 people killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza Strip

The Israeli army launched air strikes on several areas in the northern and central Gaza Strip at night on the 22nd, killing at least 24 people.

The Israeli army launched an air strike on a house in Gaza City in the northern Gaza Strip on the night of the 22nd, killing at least 16 people, 10 of them children. At least eight people were killed in an air raid on a house in Nusaiwright refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip in the early morning of the 23rd.

Palestinian security sources said on the 23rd that the Israeli army withdrew from the West Bank city of Jenin on the same day after the end of the three-day military operation. According to a statement issued by the Palestinian Ministry of Health on the same day, 12 people have been killed and 25 injured in the three-day Israeli military operation in Jenin.

Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have killed more than 3.57 million Palestinians and injured nearly 80, 000 since the outbreak of a new round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict in October last year, according to figures released by the Palestinian health department in the Gaza Strip on the 22nd.

Israel will continue to participate in Gaza cease-fire negotiations

In the early morning of the 23rd local time, the Israeli wartime cabinet concluded its meeting for discussion. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered that the Israeli delegation will continue to participate in personnel exchanges and negotiations on a ceasefire agreement in Gaza.

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) announced on the 6th of this month that it agreed to the mediator’s proposal for a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, but Israel said that the conditions agreed by Hamas were far from its demands. Starting from July 7, Hamas, Israel and relevant mediators held cease-fire negotiations in Cairo, Egypt. On the 9th, the negotiations broke down.

The International Court of Justice will rule on South Africa’s demand that Israel stop its offensive against Gaza

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France-Presse reported that on May 23, local time, the International Court of Justice said it would rule on the 24th on South Africa’s demand for Israel to implement a ceasefire in Gaza.

Earlier, South Africa asked the International Court of Justice to take urgent measures to order Israel to stop its military operations in the Gaza Strip, including in Rafah.

The White House admits to being concerned about the diplomatic isolation that Israel may face

According to CNN News, Sullivan, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, said on the 22nd that more and more voices, including those in support of Israel, had turned in the other direction. He expressed concern about this because we believe that it is not conducive to Israel’s long-term security or vitality.

Norway, Spain and Ireland announced the recognition of Palestinian states on the 22nd, which will take effect on the 28th of this month. The three countries said the decision was aimed at speeding up a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), according to Reuters.

According to the White House, Sullivan said that US President Joe Biden has been openly supporting the two-state solution. But he added that Mr Biden had also publicly stressed that the two-state solution should be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties rather than through unilateral recognition.

Israeli Foreign Minister Katz announced the recall of Israeli ambassadors to Ireland, Spain and Norway on the 22nd, the Israel Times reported. Israeli Finance Minister Smotrih called on Netanyahu to impose severe punitive measures on the Palestinian National Authority. He expressed his intention to take immediate action to stop the transfer of funds to the Palestinian National Authority.

China News Service is integrated from the CCTV news client

Latest_ Russia announces defeat of assassination plot involving close friends of Putin

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According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on March 17, government officials in the Russian-controlled Zaporozhye region told reporters on the 17th that an assassination attempt against a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin was foiled in the city of Berdyansk in the region.

According to reports, Vladimir Rogov, a senior official of the local administration in Zaporozhye, revealed that the authorities had stopped an assassination plot involving a confidant of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He said: Ukraine terrorists planned the attack but did not succeed. Their criminal plans were thwarted by professional actions by the Russian secret service.

Rogoff added that all those involved in the planning of the terrorist attack will be hunted down.

The 17th is the last day of voting in the Russian presidential election. (Compiled by Wei Yudong)

Related news reports:

Russia announces: repelled all cross-border attacks, killing 550 people in Uzbekistan

Reference News Report on March 17 According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on March 17, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters that the military would routinely report Uzbekistan’s attacks on Russian territory to President Putin.

He pointed out: Putin received reports from the military that Ukrainian troops recently attempted to attack Russian territory in Belgorod and Kursk regions.

Reported that Peskov said that all attacks were successfully repelled, while 1700 of the 2500 saboteurs were killed and 550 people were killed.

He also said that in the early morning of the 16th, the enemy also tried several times to invade Belgorod and Kursk regions. The Ukraine saboteurs ultimately failed and failed even to get close to the Russian border. Peskov said that the enemy lost nearly 70% of its personnel.

The report also said that on the 16th, Russian troops thwarted Ukrainian saboteurs ‘attempts to cross the border from the direction of Popovka, a residential area in Sumizhou, and from Spodaliushno and Kozinka in Belgorod Oblast. The Ukrainian army lost about 30 soldiers, 3 tanks, 2 armored fighting vehicles, a Czech-made vampire multiple rocket launcher and a Hail multiple rocket launcher under bombing and shelling.

Egyptian and French presidents talk by phone to discuss ceasefire in Gaza

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Cairo, July 16 (Reporter Dong Xiuzhu) Egyptian President Sisi and French President Macron on the 16th focused on discussing issues such as promoting a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The two leaders reiterated the need to advance the implementation of the two-state solution as the best way to achieve lasting security and stability in the region.

The Egyptian Presidential Palace issued a statement on the same day saying that during the phone call, Sisi reviewed Egypt’s ongoing mediation efforts to promote an immediate ceasefire and exchange of detained persons, and stressed the need to unite international forces to facilitate mediation and provide sufficient humanitarian assistance to the people of the besieged Gaza Strip.

The statement also said that the two presidents agreed that strengthening international cooperation is of great significance to preventing the expansion of conflicts and the region from falling into a new cycle of conflicts.

Since a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out on October 7 last year, Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) have held multiple rounds of negotiations. There has been no new progress since the two sides reached a brief ceasefire in November last year in exchange for the release of some detainees. Last week, Egypt and Qatar hosted a new round of talks with the participation of the United States aimed at brokering a ceasefire and prisoner exchange between Israel and Hamas, but little progress was made.

The youngest Russian presidential candidate just celebrated his 40th birthday

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At 8: 00 local time on March 15, official voting in the Russian presidential election kicked off in Russia’s easternmost Kamchatka peninsula. According to the plan, the large-scale voting campaign, which spans 11 time zones, will end at 8 pm on the 17th in the westernmost Kaliningrad region.

Compared with eight presidential candidates in 2018, the number of presidential candidates in 2024 has halved: in addition to the incumbent President Vladimir Putin, there are Slutsky of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party, Haritonov of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Novakov of the Russian New Party.

Among the four presidential candidates, two have participated in the general election, namely Putin, who participated in the general election four times, and Khalitonov, who participated in the 2004 general election. Slutsky and the youngest candidate, Novankov, both ran for the first time this year. Haritonov is 75 years old, while Davankov was born in 1984.

Newcomers in politics

Last month, da Vankov celebrated his 40th birthday. On the second day of his birthday, he went to Channel 1 in Russia to participate in the first round of televised debates in the presidential election.

In the first round of debate, representatives of D’avankov, Haritonov and Slutzky stood in the middle of the circular stage to discuss the national education system, teachers’ salaries and other election-related issues. Putin’s campaign headquarters had previously announced that the incumbent Russian president would not take part in any candidate debates this season.

The 75-year-old Haritonov stood on the far right, his gray hair in sharp contrast to his post-80s competitor Leonardo da Vankov. During the debate, D’avankov reinterpreted his campaign plans, including fighting for the freedom of businesses and people, opposing the blockade of social media and punishing users, and letting children choose to be educated in their hometown or in big cities. to be who you want to be. At the end of the debate, he ended with the campaign slogan of his party, and it was time to change to a newcomer.

Compared with Haritonov, who has been in politics for more than 30 years, D’avankov is an out-and-out newcomer in politics, and even his party is a new party.

In January 2020, Alexei Nechayev, a member of the all-Russian people’s Front and founder of cosmetics production F, announced that he would create a new political party with the goal of changing people’s lives. the ideas pursued include promoting the change of power, reducing bureaucracy, developing industrial and high-tech production, creating the best conditions for the development of small businesses, increasing employment opportunities and population income, and ensuring affordable housing for the people. In addition, the party also advocates freedom of speech and assembly and is regarded as the representative of liberal parties.

On March 1 of the same year, the founding meeting of the New Party was held. Alexei Nechayev was subsequently elected chairman of the party, and in the same year, D’avankov joined the New Party to coordinate the work of regional branches.

In the Russian State Duma election in September 2021, the New Party became a dark horse, winning 533% of the votes, successfully winning 13 seats and squeezing into the Russian Duma. At that time, some analysts pointed out that this represented the emergence of new political forces calling for change in Russia.

In October 2021, Davankov became Vice Chairman of the State Duma, responsible for overseeing health and culture-related issues.

Last summer, the New Party elected D’avankov to run for mayor of Moscow. At that time, he promised to go all out for the welfare of the capital.

During his campaign for mayor of Moscow, D’avankov showed a dynamic and friendly side: he jumped off the 10-meter platform with Russian men’s diving Olympic champion Ilya Zakharov; work with TV host Elena Letuchaya to clean up the garbage at the bottom of the Moscow river At the nomination event in Khoroshevsky Forest Park, he even personally prepared a barbecue for the participants. At that time, Russian media commented that da Vankov created the image of your government boyfriend.

As his first attempt to take part in the election, da Vankov finally lost to veteran Sergei Sobyanin. According to the results of the vote on September 10, 2023, the latter was re-elected for a third time with 76.39% of the vote, while Davankov ranked fourth with 534% of the vote.

Only three months later, D’avankov was jointly nominated by the New Party and the growth Party. This time, he will be running for the post of president of Russia.

The highest income

Da Vankov was born in Smolensk on the Dnieper River in western Russia. His father, Andrei da Vankov, was a pilot, and his grandfather, Vadim da Vankov, was a well-known chemist who participated in the research of artificial kidney materials. He has published more than 400 scientific papers and won many awards.

Instead of inheriting the business of his father and grandfather, D’avankov inherited the entrepreneurial spirit from his uncle Alexander Davankov. Alexander da Vankov and Alexei Nechayev co-founded cosmetics production F as early as the 1990s. Since 2006, it has been on the list of the largest cosmetics in the world.

According to media records, da Vankov has made money on his own since he was a teenager. He has washed cars and worked as a bartender. At the age of 14, he had a career of his own and started a computer club, which gave him his first taste of the fruits of entrepreneurship. While studying how to make money, Davankov also developed a strong interest in history. He was admitted to the history department of Moscow State University from his hometown and later received an associate doctorate in sociology from the Russian State Social University in 2008.

After moving to the capital, Davankov continued to work as a courier and real estate agent during his studies, so much so that people around him later described him as knowing how every penny was earned. Davankov is also an enterprising entrepreneur, from 2001 to 2021, he founded five large enterprises in finance, computer, small aviation and other fields.

In 2013, D’avankov began to manage F Cosmetics. Under his administration, the performance doubled in two and a half years, according to politicians.

Currently, Davankov has two: one is SA, registered in the Teville region, which organizes skydiving, and the other is Asia Credit, a microfinance institution registered in Moscow, which provides loans to citizens of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Mr Davankov has a 54 per cent stake, according to the information.

In philanthropy, Davankov also led the Russian Captain Education Program support Fund. The project aims to find young people with entrepreneurial spirit and help them build their own businesses. In 2018, Davankov became deputy director of the Russian Land of opportunity Project. The project was personally signed and approved by Putin and supervised by Sergei Kiriyenko, the first deputy director of the Russian president’s office at that time.

In January this year, Russia’s Central Election Commission released information on the income of Russian presidential candidates. Da Vankov, who earned 76.9 million rubles (5.6 million yuan) in the six years before the election, became the highest-paid candidate, about 10 million roubles higher than Putin. In addition, Davankov owns a house and a piece of land in the Moscow area, as well as a 1/4 share of an apartment in Moscow. He also owns a 2019 Mercedes-Benz Maybach and his wife Yulia Davankova owns a BMW.

The other two candidates, Haritonov and Slutsky, earned about half as much as Davankov over the same period.

Political training

Although he has been in power for less than five years, during his tenure in the State Duma, D’avankov was regarded as a young generation of politicians with good working ability, as well as the drafter and co-drafter of nearly 100 bills. including officials who prevent social users from bullying and insulting women’s feelings should be fined 100000 roubles, and schools should cancel homework.

Not only that, da Vankov, who has no one in the family involved in politics, is also trained to speak in public. He will refuse to criticize the current government and other political opponents in the election manual. No one will benefit from criticism, nor did I do so during my campaign for mayor of Moscow. He pointed out that he would focus on his party’s agenda, that is, what people are most concerned about, going to cities to talk to people and telling people that the New Party would lead Russia to development rather than technological backwardness and degradation.

Before the election, two Russian anti-war candidates, Deng Zova and Najieridin, were disqualified from the election. When talking about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Davankov was also very cautious. Instead of publicly opposing it, he called it a tragedy. ‘very few people I know can directly say that war is great,’he said in an interview with Xenia Sobchak last year. He believes that war will never bring universal happiness.

In February, when the Russian State Duma faced urgent ratification of the friendship and cooperation treaties with Luhansk and Donetsk, the New Party voted in favor. Mr Davankov then succinctly expressed the change in the party’s position: the president made the right decision. We discussed and debated until a democratic decision was made. Once a decision has been made, action is needed. After the full escalation of the crisis in Ukraine, Davankov has also been on the sanctions list of the European Union, Britain, the United States and Canada.

For Davankov, participating in the presidential election is a kind of political training. Russian political scholar Sergei Markolov said in an interview with the media. Markolov believes that although D’avankov won some public support in Moscow’s mayoral election, he is not a politician.

According to Sergei Markolov’s prediction, D’avankov will not get many votes. The problem is not that people may not understand the politician’s position, but that few people outside Moscow and St. Petersburg know about the existence of such a candidate.

According to the latest poll data from the all-Russian Public opinion Research Center (VTIOM) on March 3, 6% of voters plan to vote for him, ranking second only to Putin’s 75%. In a January poll, only 1% of voters expressed support for the newcomer.

As for his own attitude, in December last year, when he was announced as the youngest candidate in the 2024 general election, a reporter asked him whether he planned to win the election. He replied with a smile: it depends on what people think is victory (reporter Zheng Liying)

Blinken_ The United States cannot include Russia as a country that supports terrorism

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According to a report by TASS news agency on May 23, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Brinken admitted that the United States cannot include Russia on the list of countries supporting terrorism because Russia is not such a country.

Reported that Blinken said at a hearing before the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee on the 22nd: Aggression is not a terrorist activity, it is two things.

When asked why the U.S. government did not listen to the calls of the Ukraine authorities and some Westerners and refused to include Russia on the list of countries supporting terrorism, Blinken said: First of all, regarding the designation of a country supporting terrorism, in addition to what Russia does in our view does not fall into such activities, there are also the following considerations: it may undermine certain multilateral cooperation and our coordination based on sanctions (against Russia).

Blinken pointed out: If we come to peace negotiations in the future, it will be extremely difficult to reverse this. You should put this into the game so that you can cross the finish line directly. He added: Another real problem is that it may hinder our proactive efforts to force Russia to pay Ukraine’s huge losses, including using Russian sovereign assets. If (Russia) is identified as a state supporting terrorism, these assets could be frozen during court proceedings.

Blinken said that the executive branch of the U.S. authorities already has sufficient power to take various restrictive measures against Russia and is actively using these powers. They are more precise in describing what Russia is doing. Moreover, we don’t want to encounter unforeseen consequences and derivative effects that may in fact complicate the process of achieving our goals. Blinken concluded.

Reports said that the United States may include countries that it believes have supported international terrorism on its list of countries sponsoring terrorism. The U.S. Treasury Department may take measures against legal persons, natural persons and countries that trade with countries on the list. Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Syria are all on this list. (Compiled by Liu Yang)