Croatian president announces his candidacy for prime minister

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Zagreb, March 15. Croatian President Milanovic announced on social media on the 15th that he will participate in the Croatian parliamentary elections to be held on April 17 as an independent candidate from the Croatian Social Democratic Party and will run for the position of Prime Minister.

Milanovic said he was full of confidence in winning the election and would resign as president after winning the election and assume the responsibility of leading the Croatian government. Until then, he will continue to perform his duties as President of Croatia in accordance with the Constitution.

Milanovic’s announcement shocked Croatia, because there is no precedent for a president to run for prime minister in Croatian history. As a Social Democrat, Milanovic’s move will undoubtedly inspire the Social Democratic Party, which is currently at a disadvantage in the parliamentary elections, but it will also cause huge controversy. Croatian constitutional expert Baric told the media that the Croatian Constitutional Court should clearly tell Milanovic that he can only run for prime minister if he resigns as president.

According to the latest opinion poll, the ruling party, the Croatian Democratic Community, led by Croatian Prime Minister Prenkovic, ranks first with a support rate of 265%, and the Social Democratic Party ranks second with a support rate of 179%.

Milanovic was elected President of Croatia in January 2020. Previously, he served as Prime Minister of Croatia from December 2011 to January 2016. (Reporter Li Xuejun)

European Council decides to launch accession negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Brussels, March 21 (Reporters Fu Yiming and Zhang Zhaoqing) European Council President Michel announced on the 21st that the European Council decided on the same day to start negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the EU.

The EU summit was held in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, that day. Michel said on social media that night that the European Council had just decided to start accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The decision was a key step for Bosnia and Herzegovina on the road to joining the EU, but Bosnia and Herzegovina still needs to continue its efforts.

Bosnia and Herzegovina submitted its application to join the European Union in February 2016, and the European Council decided in December 2022 to grant Bosnia and Herzegovina candidate membership status in the European Union. On the 12th of this month, the European Commission recommended that the Council of the European Union launch accession negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Before the formal launch of accession negotiations, some procedures still need to be gone through within the EU. The process of accession negotiations generally lasts for several years.

Most of the prisoners who escaped from prison in Niger have been captured

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Abidjan, July 14 (Reporter Zhang Jian) News from Niamey: Niger’s Defense and Security Forces issued a communiqué on the evening of the 13th, saying that most of the dozens of prisoners who recently escaped from the country’s Kutukare prison have been captured and three others were killed.

The communiqué said the area where the prison is located has been cordoned off and an aerial search operation is still underway to find the remaining fugitives. The military called on the public to be vigilant and immediately report any suspicious person or any relevant information to the authorities.

On the evening of the 11th, a prisoner escape occurred at Kutukare Prison in Tirabei Province, Tirabei Region, western Niger. The prison is located 50 kilometers northwest of Niamey, the capital of Niger, and holds members of extremist organizations such as the Boko Haram Islamic State. In 2016 and 2019, two jailbreaks occurred in this prison, both of which were successfully prevented.

Putin allows the use of US assets to compensate Russia for losses Putin signed a presidential order_

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According to CCTV news, on May 23 local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a presidential order requiring the Russian government to formulate relevant rules to compensate Russia and the Russian central bank for losses caused by the unfriendly measures of the United States, and to allow the use of U.S. assets in Russia. Domestic assets are used to compensate for losses caused by the confiscation of Russian assets in the United States.

The presidential order also involves allowing property owners in Russia to file lawsuits against the United States for illegally confiscating Russian assets in the United States in accordance with Russian law. In addition, the presidential decree also requires Russian courts and government departments to send to the Russian Government’s Foreign Investment Regulatory Commission the specific information on the inventory of the assets of U.S. legal persons and individuals in Russia after receiving relevant compensation requests, and use this as a basis for compensation work.

Related reports:

EU countries will use profits from freezing Russian assets to aid Ukraine

According to a Reuters report on May 21, the Belgian government revealed on the 21st that EU countries have formally adopted a plan to use profits generated by the assets of the Russian central bank frozen by the EU for defense assistance to Ukraine.

Under the EU agreement, 90% of the proceeds from frozen Russian central bank assets will go into a fund operated by the EU to provide military assistance to Ukraine, while the remaining 10% will support Ukraine through other means.

According to reports, ambassadors from EU countries reached a consensus on this matter at the beginning of this month, and the text of the agreement can officially take effect only if the ministers of various countries are stamped and approved.

Frozen assets of Russia’s central bank are reportedly generating huge profits. The EU expects to generate profits of about 15 billion to 20 billion euros by 2027. EU diplomats said Ukraine is expected to receive its first payment in July this year.

A senior Russian diplomat warned that the plan would have unpredictable consequences and said sooner or later the EU would have to return what was stolen to Russia.

Ukraine Foreign Minister Kuleba thanked the EU for the above decision on the 21st, but reiterated that Ukraine’s ultimate goal is to confiscate Russia’s financial assets, not just to benefit from profits.

According to reports, shortly after the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out in February 2022, the Group of Seven (G7) froze Russian financial assets worth approximately US$300 billion. Since then, the EU and other G7 countries have debated how and whether to use the funds to help Ukraine.

Multiple armed groups claim to _invade western Russia_

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According to a Reuters report on March 12, at least two armed groups headquartered in Ukraine said on social media that they invaded Russia’s western border on the 12th.

Reports said that both the Russian Free Corps and the Siberian Battalion announced on the Telegraph social platform that they had launched an attack from Ukraine to Russia.

The Russian Free Corps said in the telegram: We will regain our land from (Russia) centimetre by centimeter.

Russian officials say the groups are puppets of the Ukraine military and the CIA. Moscow says the latter is trying to incite chaos in Russia.

Andreyusov, spokesman for Ukraine’s military intelligence department, said that these organizations operate on Russian territory independently of Ukraine.

The Russian Freedom Corps ‘statement also appears to point to the upcoming Russian presidential election this weekend. The group said: People will vote for whom they want, Russians will live a free life.

A number of armed groups, including the Russian Free Corps, have previously claimed responsibility for other cross-border attacks from Ukraine to Russia. (Compiled by Xiong Wenyuan)

A sudden explosion occurred during US special forces training_ injuring at least 16 people at FBI training center

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According to Russian Sputnik quoted US media reports on March 14, at least 16 US special forces members were injured during a exercise at a training center in California.

Reports said that an explosion occurred during a joint training exercise with engineers in Orange County, California.

It is understood that the explosion occurred at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) training center.

The report pointed out that at least 16 people were injured, 15 of whom were taken to local hospitals and 1 person arrived at the hospital on his own. Thirteen people developed dizziness and tinnitus, and several suffered leg and back injuries, but no deaths were reported.

Taiwan’s Central News Agency also reported that local police said the cause of the explosion was not clear, but the accident occurred during the bomb disposal team’s training.

The report also said that news footage taken from helicopter aerial photography showed a yellow cordon outside a small single-story building surrounded by grass.

An FBI spokesman said no FBI personnel were injured and said the FBI would investigate the accident. This training facility is usually responsible for holding firearms training and qualification examinations for the FBI and local law enforcement agencies.

Qatar_ Gaza ceasefire talks are not close to agreement

In addition to domestic, Bedding Supplier It has also emerged in the international field and gradually gained the favor of more foreign friends.

Doha, March 19 (Reporter Wang Qiang) Qatar Foreign Ministry spokesman Ansari said on the 19th that the Gaza ceasefire negotiations are not yet close to reaching an agreement, and Qatar is cautiously optimistic about the negotiations.

Ansari said at a weekly press conference that day that Barnea, director of the Israeli Intelligence and Secret Service (Mossad), who led the Israeli delegation, had left Qatar, but the technical issues team was still conducting consultations in Doha. Negotiations are still ongoing, but are far from being announced. Qatar hopes that the negotiations will continue until an agreement is reached.

Ansari also warned that fighting in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafarot would cause a humanitarian disaster and would have an impact on the negotiations once the situation escalates.

The Israeli delegation arrived in Qatar on the 18th to hold negotiations with Qatar and Egyptian officials. Since Hamas and Israel refused to negotiate face-to-face, Egypt and Qatar spoke the message.

Argentina will issue 10_000 and 20_000 dollar notes. What has the effect of reforms since Millay took office for 100 days_

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Local time 18, the Argentine central bank confirmed that the face value of 10,000 Argentine pesos and 20,000 Argentine pesos will be officially put into circulation in June this year.

In recent years, the face value of banknotes issued by Argentina has been increasing due to persistent high inflation and serious currency depreciation. In 2016 and 2017, Argentina issued banknotes with a face value of 500 pesos and 1000 pesos respectively. The 2000 peso note, which went into circulation in May last year, is currently the largest denomination note on the Argentine market.

Argentina’s monthly inflation rate reached 132% in February, with a cumulative inflation rate of 2762% in the past 12 months, according to data released by Argentina’s National Bureau of Statistics on the 12th. (gong Xiangcheng, a reporter from the front desk)

Related news:

Buenos Aires, March 19 / PRNewswire-FirstCall-Asianet /– what is the effect of the reform since Argentine President Mile took office 100 days ago?

Press gallery h Wang Zhongyi

Since taking office in December last year, Argentine President Mile has launched a series of shock therapy reform measures aimed at saving the economy, with a view to reducing the fiscal deficit and controlling inflation. Among them, the two major reform measures proposed by the Mile government are still pending due to parliamentary procedures.

At present, Argentina has achieved a fiscal surplus for two consecutive months, and the inflationary pressure has eased somewhat, but the difficulties such as the increase in unemployment, the decline in industrial production and rising prices still exist. Analysts believe that whether the reform can be supported by Congress, whether inflation can be controlled and whether public anxiety can be calmed down are still challenges facing the Mile government.

The prospect of reform is uncertain.

In his first month in office, Mile launched two major reform measures, namely, the necessary emergency decree on the basis of Argentina’s economic reconstruction and the comprehensive bill called the foundation and starting point of Argentine freedom, covering the amendment or repeal of hundreds of laws and regulations, respectively, aimed at relaxing government and legal controls on economic names, reducing the fiscal deficit and facilitating import and export trade. In addition, Mile also devalued the Argentine peso significantly.

On March 14, the Argentine Senate voted down the necessary emergency decree signed by Mile, which will then be submitted to the Argentine House of Representatives for consideration and vote. According to Argentine law, even if the decree is rejected by the Senate, it can take effect as long as the House of Representatives votes to pass it; if the House of Representatives votes to reject it, the decree will be completely null and void. The comprehensive bill introduced by Mile has not been passed by Congress before, and is now planning to amend the provisions of the bill to be submitted to Congress for consideration.

Analysts believe that the resistance to Mile’s reform mainly comes from the left and trade unions. at present, as the ruling party and left-wing opposition parties do not have a majority in both houses, Mile still needs to win the support of centrist parties to promote the implementation of the reform.

Sun Hongbo, associate researcher at the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the Mile government intends to carry out a systematic and radical reform, but the relevant reform measures currently face various political checks and balances. Generally speaking, the Mile government is facing the constraints of many forces, such as the ruling coalition, left-wing political parties, local governments, trade unions and so on, and there is a lot of uncertainty about the prospect of its radical reform.

The plight of people’s livelihood needs to be alleviated.

Recently, a lot of news has been seen as positive by the Argentine government: Argentina’s central bank cut its benchmark interest rate to 80%, a fiscal surplus for two consecutive months, an easing of inflationary pressures, the International Monetary Fund approved a further $4.7 billion loan to Argentina, and Argentina completed a debt swap of more than $50 billion. Despite this, Argentine people are still plagued by rising unemployment, rising prices and other problems.

In March, Argentines ushered in the day to return to work and start school, but many people were laid off. Argentine media reported that companies said sales had fallen sharply and could not afford to hire so many employees. The dark clouds of unemployment, poverty and rising prices hang over the Argentine people.

Argentine sociologist Marcelo Rodriguez said the unemployment rate in Argentina is expected to rise in the future as more than 50, 000 jobs have been lost as a result of government cuts, layoffs and no longer injecting funds into public projects.

According to a recent report by Argentina’s Financial Circle, the latest report of the Argentine Federation of Industries showed that in January this year, Argentina’s industrial production index fell to 299%, the lowest level on record, and was in a contraction range of less than 50% for the seventh month in a row. The report said that the output of more than half of the small and medium-sized enterprises surveyed declined, and several sets of data showed that the plight of industrial production in Afghanistan intensified, with small and medium-sized enterprises bearing the brunt.

A staff member of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) office in Argentina recently said that in the first quarter of 2024, the poverty rate of children and adolescents in Argentina will reach about 70%, and the rate of extreme poverty will reach 34%.

Since the beginning of this year, large-scale strikes and demonstrations have broken out in Argentina many times to oppose the reform measures of the Mile government. On March 18, a number of trade union organizations in Argentina launched a march in the capital Buenos Aires and other cities across the country. In January, a number of national trade unions and left-wing organizations in Argentina also held a national strike to protest against the Mile government’s reform measures ignoring the rights and interests of labor and social vulnerable groups, resulting in the suspension of services in banks, gas stations, airports, aviation, sanitation and other industries in many parts of Argentina.

The economy faces the challenge of stagflation

Argentine economist Gustavone believes that the Mile government has reversed the declining trend of Argentine dollar reserves after 100 days in power, but the country’s economy still faces the challenge of stagflation.

Inflation in Argentina was 132 per cent in February, down from 206 per cent in January and 255 per cent in December, according to the Argentine National Institute of Statistics and Census. The cumulative inflation rate in the past 12 months reached 2762 per cent. Rosendo Fraga, a researcher at Argentina’s National Institute of moral and political Sciences, believes that although the monthly inflation rate has decreased, inflation is still at a high level.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a report on January 30 predicting that Argentina will face recession and rising inflation in the context of a sharp adjustment in economic policy. The report predicts that Argentina’s economy will contract by 28% in 2024.

Argentina’s TN news channel recently quoted Moody’s investor service, an international rating agency, as saying that the Argentine economy is expected to contract by 5% in 2024, far more than the 25% forecast in November 2023. In terms of inflation, Argentina’s inflation rate is expected to exceed 280% in 2024 and still exceed 220% in 2025. (source: Xinhua)

An attack on a prison car in France killed 2 people and injured 3 people_ Macron spoke out

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Paris, May 14 (Reporter Tang Jiyan) Armed men attacked a prison truck at a highway toll station in the province of Eure in northern France on the 14th, killing two prison guards and seriously injuring three others.

According to French media reports, at around 11 a.m. local time, a group of armed men attacked a prison truck at the toll station and stole a prisoner suspected of drug trafficking and intentional homicide being escorted on the prison truck. After the incident, a highway connected to the toll station was closed in both directions.

French President Macron said on social media that the attack shocked everyone and the government was making every effort to find the attacker. French Interior Minister Darmanin said on social media that hundreds of police and gendarmerie had been dispatched after the incident.

At present, the French National Gendarmerie Action Team has rushed to the scene of the incident. The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office’s judicial branch responsible for combating organized crime began an investigation into the attack.

A landslide occurred in Papua New Guinea_ about 100 people died_ and more than 6 villages were affected

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On the 24th local time, Sandis Saka, governor of Enga Province, Papua New Guinea, publicly issued a document saying that the landslide that occurred in the province in the early morning of the day was an unprecedented natural disaster that caused huge losses to property and human lives. The landslide affected more than six villages in the province, and it is not yet possible to calculate specific losses.

Sandis Saka expressed sympathy to local communities and families, as well as to the people affected by the disaster and the victims.

Sandis Saka said that the Nga provincial government deployed a Rapid Incident Response Service team to the scene that morning to carry out rescue work and conduct a rapid assessment of the extent of local damage. The team is composed of officials from the Provincial Disaster Relief Office, Provincial Health Bureau, Police, Papua New Guinea Defense Force, and international organizations based in Papua New Guinea such as the Office of International Migration and the United Nations Development Program.

At about 3 a.m. local time on the 24th, a village in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea suffered a landslide. Local residents said the estimated death toll exceeded 100. Authorities have not yet confirmed the number of casualties. (General reporter Liu Zhimin)