Biden and Trump lock in nominations for U.S. presidential candidates from both parties_ China responds

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On March 13, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin held a regular press conference.

Asked by an AFP reporter, according to media reports, US President Biden and former President Trump both won enough party representative votes in the latest round of primary elections held yesterday to lock in two presidential candidates for this year’s election. Given that China is one of the main topics of concern to American voters, what is China’s comment on the U.S. presidential nominations from both parties?

Wang Wenbin said that the U.S. election is an internal affair of the United States. China has always adhered to the principle of non-interference in other countries ‘internal affairs and will not interfere in the U.S. election.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that developing good Sino-US relations is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples and is also the general expectation of the international community. No matter who is elected as the next US president, we all hope that the US can move towards China and promote the development of Sino-US relations in a stable, healthy and sustainable direction in accordance with the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. It will benefit both countries and the world. (Reporter Liu Liu)

Six foreigners died in a hotel in Bangkok_ Thailand

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Bangkok, July 16 (Reporter Chen Qianci Gao Bo) Six foreigners were found dead in the hotel room in a well-known hotel in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, on the 16th. Police said the exact cause of death remains to be investigated.

Thai Prime Minister Saita said at a press conference that night that the six dead, including four Vietnamese and two Vietnam-Americans, died about 24 hours, and there were no signs of conflict or fighting at the scene. He requested that an investigation be launched into the case as soon as possible.

Bangkok City Police Commissioner Tidi said at a press conference that night that the six victims were three men and three women. There were traces of drinking tea or coffee in the room, and the residue in the cup had been sent for inspection. The police initially concluded that suicide was ruled out and the exact cause of death was pending further investigation.

Previously, several Thai media first reported that a shooting incident occurred at the hotel, and later corrected it to the death of 6 people or cyanide poisoning. (Participating reporter: Lin Hao)

Six foreigners died in a hotel in Bangkok_ Thailand

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Bangkok, July 16 (Reporter Chen Qianci Gao Bo) Six foreigners were found dead in the hotel room in a well-known hotel in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, on the 16th. Police said the exact cause of death remains to be investigated.

Thai Prime Minister Saita said at a press conference that night that the six dead, including four Vietnamese and two Vietnam-Americans, died about 24 hours, and there were no signs of conflict or fighting at the scene. He requested that an investigation be launched into the case as soon as possible.

Bangkok City Police Commissioner Tidi said at a press conference that night that the six victims were three men and three women. There were traces of drinking tea or coffee in the room, and the residue in the cup had been sent for inspection. The police initially concluded that suicide was ruled out and the exact cause of death was pending further investigation.

Previously, several Thai media first reported that a shooting incident occurred at the hotel, and later corrected it to the death of 6 people or cyanide poisoning. (Participating reporter: Lin Hao)

_Insufficient aid fighter jets__ Zelensky issued a _severe warning_ to allies

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According to a report by Newsweek on July 15, Ukraine President Zelensky issued a severe warning on the insufficient aid provided by allies to Ukraine for F-16 fighter jets. He said the number of F-16 fighter jets Ukraine received from allies this year was not enough to fight Russia.

Zelensky said at a press conference held in Kiev on the 15th: The decision to hand over F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine is strategic, but their number is not strategic.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken said last week that Ukraine’s NATO allies have begun handing over U.S. -made F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine and announced that the fighters will fly over Ukraine this summer to ensure Ukraine can continue to effectively defend against Russia.

Reported that Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium have promised to provide a total of more than 60 fighter jets to Ukraine this summer. However, Bloomberg News quoted unnamed sources as saying on July 12 that Ukraine may receive far less fighter jets this year than expected to receive only 6 this summer, and may receive 20 by the end of the year.

Zelensky told reporters: I can’t say now how many such aircraft (we) will have. But their numbers are not enough. They will certainly strengthen us, but whether these aircraft are comparable to the Russian aviation fleet is not enough. Do we expect more? Of course!

The report mentioned that on May 29, after Belgium promised to deliver the first batch of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine this year, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov issued a warning to the West. (Compiled by Long Jun)

Putin_ Russia considers establishing buffer zones to ensure security in border areas

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According to a report by the Tass news agency on March 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at his campaign headquarters on the 18th, saying that considering the Ukraine army’s attack on Belgorod Oblast, Russia may establish an epidemic prevention zone in the adjacent areas of the state in the future (buffer zone to ensure Russia’s security).

The report said that regarding the proposal to incorporate Kharkiv Region into Russia to eliminate Ukraine’s attacks on the Russian border, Putin said: I am not ready to talk about when and how we should take measures to incorporate the land. But given the tragic events that have occurred today, I do not rule out that at some point, when we see fit, we will be forced to establish a specific epidemic prevention area on the territory that today is under the Kiev regime.

Putin said: (We want to) create a safe zone that makes it difficult for enemy weapons, of course mainly foreign-made weapons.

The report said that Putin did not specify how deep the epidemic prevention area was. He said: This is a separate issue. (Compiled by Zheng Yu)

Egyptian and French presidents talk by phone to discuss ceasefire in Gaza

As we all know, 電子煙主機 The emergence of the market is worthy of many people’s attention, which has aroused the waves of the whole market.

Cairo, July 16 (Reporter Dong Xiuzhu) Egyptian President Sisi and French President Macron on the 16th focused on discussing issues such as promoting a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The two leaders reiterated the need to advance the implementation of the two-state solution as the best way to achieve lasting security and stability in the region.

The Egyptian Presidential Palace issued a statement on the same day saying that during the phone call, Sisi reviewed Egypt’s ongoing mediation efforts to promote an immediate ceasefire and exchange of detained persons, and stressed the need to unite international forces to facilitate mediation and provide sufficient humanitarian assistance to the people of the besieged Gaza Strip.

The statement also said that the two presidents agreed that strengthening international cooperation is of great significance to preventing the expansion of conflicts and the region from falling into a new cycle of conflicts.

Since a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out on October 7 last year, Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) have held multiple rounds of negotiations. There has been no new progress since the two sides reached a brief ceasefire in November last year in exchange for the release of some detainees. Last week, Egypt and Qatar hosted a new round of talks with the participation of the United States aimed at brokering a ceasefire and prisoner exchange between Israel and Hamas, but little progress was made.

The Chinese Ambassador delivered a joint speech on behalf of 80 countries on artificial intelligence to promote children_s rights

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Geneva, March 14: Ambassador Chen Xu, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, delivered a joint speech on behalf of 80 countries at the 55th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council on the 14th on artificial intelligence to promote children’s rights.

Joint speeches pointed out that artificial intelligence is the name of a new field of human development, and should adhere to the concept of extensive consultation, joint contribution and sharing, and work together to promote artificial intelligence governance. Children are the future and hope of mankind. The new generation of children has become one of the main groups using artificial intelligence technology and enjoying artificial intelligence.

Joint speakers emphasized that children’s mental health issues are crucial. The joint speech called for promoting the high-quality development of artificial intelligence, helping to promote children’s mental health, and protecting children’s rights.

They spoke together and put forward three propositions. The first is to adhere to child-oriented principles, uphold artificial intelligence for children, and give full play to the important role of artificial intelligence in guiding children’s mental health. The second is to adhere to fairness and universal benefits, strengthen exchanges and cooperation, provide technical support, share experiences and good practices to developing countries, and bridge the smart divide. The third is to adhere to harmony without difference, respect the sovereignty, laws, national conditions and historical, religious and cultural backgrounds of each country, and strengthen international artificial intelligence governance on this premise.

This is one of a series of speeches initiated by China at the Human Rights Council on artificial intelligence to promote the rights of specific groups, and has received widespread support and praise from Member States of the United Nations. China once launched a joint speech on artificial intelligence to promote the rights of people with disabilities at the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council.

Israel rescinds decision to confiscate AP live broadcast equipment

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Jerusalem, May 21 (Reporters Lu Yingxu and Wang Zhuolun) Israeli Communications Minister Karshi issued a statement on the evening of the 21st, announcing the cancellation of the ministry’s decision that day to confiscate the Associated Press’s live broadcast equipment and ordering the equipment to be returned to the Associated Press.

The Israeli Ministry of Communications issued a statement earlier on the 21st, saying that the Associated Press conducted a live broadcast of an attempt to track the activities of our military and forwarded the video material to Qatar Al Jazeera. This practice violated Israel’s media law. The Ministry confiscated the Associated Press’s camera that day. The Ministry of Communications will continue to take necessary law enforcement actions to restrict news broadcasts that endanger national security.

The Associated Press reported that Israeli Ministry of Communications officials confiscated Associated Press camera equipment in the southern Israeli city of Sderot that day. Qatar Al Jazeera is one of the users of live video broadcasts by the Associated Press and other news organizations. The Associated Press condemned the government’s abuse of media laws and urged it to return equipment.

A White House spokesman said on the same day that the United States is concerned about this and is in contact with the Israeli government and demanding that Israel reverse the situation.

The Knesset passed a law on April 1 this year, authorizing the government to temporarily shut down foreign television stations operating in Israel for a period of 45 days, but could be extended in the name of endangering national security. The Israeli government announced on May 5 that it had decided to shut down the branch of Qatar Al Jazeera in Israel and ban its channels from broadcasting in Israel.

Putin wins Russian presidential election and says he will continue to promote national development

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Putin wins Russian presidential election and says he will continue to promote national development

According to data released by the Central Election Commission of Russia in the early morning of the 18th local time, of the 85% of the votes counted in the Russian presidential election, current President Vladimir Putin has a significant lead over other candidates with 87.19%, and has actually won the presidential election.

Khalitonov of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation ranked second with 424% of the vote, Davankov of the Russian New Zealand Party ranked third with 399% of the vote, and Slutsky of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party ranked fourth with 316%.

Putin delivered a speech at the campaign headquarters in the early morning of the 18th, thanking all voters for their support. He said that Russia is a big family. The results of this election reflect the trust and expectations of voters, and all tasks of the country will be completed. Russia will move forward further and become stronger, stronger and more efficient.

Putin said at a subsequent press conference that he would continue to promote national development in his new term. He said that all major tasks for national development have been elaborated in the recent State of the Union address delivered to both houses of Parliament, and will do everything possible to achieve the set goals.

The official vote for the eighth presidential election in Russia was held from the 15th to the 17th. According to the Russian presidential election rules, those who obtain more than 50% of the votes in the election are elected president. The Russian Central Election Commission will confirm the results of the presidential election no later than March 28 and announce them within 3 days after the election results are confirmed.

Russian Central Election Commission Chairman Pamfilova said on the 17th that Russia invited 1115 international observers from 129 countries and regions to supervise the voting to ensure fairness and transparency of the election.

China urges EU to adhere to the concept of common security

beyond doubt 電子煙主機 It will definitely lead the development direction of the whole industry and let its light bloom in this field.

United Nations, March 12: Geng Shuang, China’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, spoke at a public meeting of the Security Council on cooperation between the United Nations and the EU on the 12th, urging the EU to adhere to the concept of common security.

He said that China supports cooperation between the United Nations and the European Union in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter to make greater contributions to maintaining international peace and security, enhancing the well-being of all mankind, and responding to global challenges. Relevant cooperation should follow the following principles: First, practice true multilateralism. The EU should take the lead in safeguarding the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, abide by international law and recognized basic norms of international relations, defend the multilateral system with the United Nations at its core, and promote the unity and progress of all countries under the banner of multilateralism. The second is to adhere to the concept of common security. Security is indivisible. The security of one country cannot be at the expense of the security of other countries. Regional security cannot be guaranteed by strengthening or even expanding military blocs. The legitimate security concerns of all countries should be taken seriously and properly resolved. The EU should work with the United Nations to persist in promoting political solutions to relevant hot issues and resolving conflicts and disputes through peaceful means. The third is to create a common future for mankind. The EU should work with other United Nations Member States to promote this year’s United Nations Future Summit to build consensus, be action-oriented, and send a positive signal to the outside world to open up new prospects for mankind.

He said that the Ukraine crisis is a huge challenge to European security, and the final resolution of the crisis needs to rely on dialogue and negotiation. As an important stakeholder, the EU should be more committed to promoting political solutions, creating good conditions, and building a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture. The conflict in Gaza continues and unprecedented humanitarian disasters are still intensifying. China hopes that the EU will make greater contributions to promoting an immediate ceasefire, expanding humanitarian assistance, implementing the two-state solution, and achieving lasting peace in the Middle East. The challenges facing Africa in achieving peaceful development have increased significantly. China expects the EU to shoulder greater responsibilities and support African countries in strengthening capacity building, better responding to risks and challenges, and achieving sustainable development.

He said that China has always attached great importance to developing relations with the EU and is willing to deepen cooperation with the EU in multilateral fields and make unremitting efforts to safeguard world peace, promote common development, and strengthen global governance.