Putin_ Ukrainian troops attack Russia in an attempt to disrupt Russian presidential election vote

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Moscow, March 15th Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the 15th that the Ukraine army has tried repeatedly to attack Russia in recent days without success. The Ukrainian army has tried to disrupt the Russian presidential election vote through attacks.

When Putin held a video meeting with members of the Russian Security Council that day, he said that from the 12th to the present, Uzbekistan has mainly used special forces, foreign mercenaries and Ukrainian military support forces to repeatedly attempt to enter Russian territory and create many sabotage and terrorist attacks. Four of them occurred in the direction of Belgorod and one occurred in the direction of Kursk.

Putin said that the Ukrainian army used more than 2500 people, 35 tanks and 40 armored vehicles for this purpose, but it was unsuccessful and as a result, it lost 60% of its personnel and more than 50% of its armored equipment.

He also stressed that the Ukrainian army’s above-mentioned actions are meaningless from a military perspective and criminal from a humanitarian perspective. The purpose is to disrupt the Russian presidential election voting process and intimidate Russian civilians in the area bordering Ukraine.

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a notice on the 15th, saying that from the 12th to the 14th, the Russian armed forces, together with the border defense department of the Russian Federal Security Service, thwarted Ukrainian armed men’s incursion into the territory of the Russian Belgorod and Kursk Oblast. Uzbekistan lost more than 1500 soldiers in the operation, of which about 500 were killed, and 18 tanks and 23 armored vehicles were destroyed.

The official voting for the 2024 Russian presidential election will be held from the 15th to the 17th. According to the Russian president, Putin participated in the presidential election voting online on the 15th. (Reporter Huang He)

United Nations Special Envoy for Syria_ The current situation in Syria is extremely difficult

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Damascus, March 17 (Reporters Ji Ze Cheng Shuaopeng) The United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria, Pei Kairu, said in the Syrian capital Damascus on the 17th that the current situation in Syria is extremely difficult and faces challenges in security, economic and political process.

After meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Mekdad that day, Pei Kaiju told the media that Syria’s humanitarian needs are increasing, but aid funds are decreasing.

Regarding the recent escalation of the conflict between the Syrian government and the opposition, Pei Kaiju urged both sides to resolve the crisis politically in a way that gave hope to the Syria people. He also said that the United Nations will continue to work hard to increase aid funds to help Syria meet relevant challenges.

The World Health Organization said on the 16th that the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Syria currently reaches 16.7 million, more than at any time since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011.

Scientists won the Nobel Prize for gene editing technology used to successfully eliminate infected HIV

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According to a BBC report on the 20th, researchers at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands said at a medical conference held on the 18th that they successfully removed the HIV virus (HIV) from infected cells using CRISPR gene editing technology.

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It is reported that although existing drugs can prevent the HIV virus from further penetrating into the human body, they cannot clear the existing virus in the patient’s body. Even if patients receive effective treatment and the HIV virus in their bodies enters a dormant or latent state, they still carry HIV DNA or genetic material.

According to the BBC, the CRISPR gene editing technology used by the researchers is similar in principle to scissors, which can remove or inactivate HIV-infected cells by cutting DNA. This gene editing technology won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

At present, the scientific research process at the University of Amsterdam is still in the proof-of-concept stage, and it will take a long time for it to be truly applied to AIDS treatment.

Scientists believe that if this new technology can be further developed, it will be expected to eliminate all HIV in the human body, thereby curing AIDS. However, some virologists also said that the possible off-target effects and long-term side effects of this technology are worrying.

Wen| Reporter Leng Shuang

The Prime Minister of Slovakia has regained consciousness and is in stable condition

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According to a report by DPA on May 15, Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fizo was seriously injured in an attempted assassination on the 15th. After several hours of surgery, he has regained consciousness.

Reports by Slovakia TA3 TV and Independent Daily on the evening of the 15th did not provide further information on Fizo’s health.

According to official news released on the evening of the 15th, 59-year-old Fizo’s life is in danger.

Reports mentioned that Fizo was shot by a 71-year-old man in the country’s mining town of Handlowa. According to witnesses, the man shot Fizo several times as he greeted supporters after a cabinet meeting.

According to the government, the shooting was politically motivated. Media reports said that the gunman’s wife was also interrogated by the police.

According to a Reuters report on May 15, the gunman who attacked Slovakia Prime Minister Fizo fired five shots in a row, putting him in critical condition and undergoing several hours of surgery.

Slovakia Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment Tomashtaraba told reporters: Fortunately, the operation went smoothly. I think he will survive in the end and is now out of danger.

Taraba also revealed that one bullet penetrated Fizo’s abdomen and another hit a joint.

Slovakia Media A quoted unnamed source as saying that Fizo’s surgery has ended and is currently in stable condition. (Compiled by Guo Jun)

COVID_19 variant KP.2 has spread in many countries and is highly contagious

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From May 7 to 13, a COVID-19 variant named KP2 was spreading all over the world. In early May this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed the KP2 subvariety as a surveillance variant.

MVK, head of COVID-19 technology in World Health Organization (WHO), said that KP2 is a descendant pedigree of JN1, while JN1 is the main strain in the world, and KP2 spike protein has an extra mutation. There are other emerging variants, JN1 continues to evolve, and we will continue to closely monitor the evolution of the virus.

According to the latest “epidemic situation of novel coronavirus infection in China in April 2023” released by the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, no two mutants have been found in China. The report shows that from April 1 to April 30, 2024, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) and Xinjiang production and Construction Corps reported a total of 11299 local cases of novel coronavirus genome effective sequences, all of which were Omicron mutants. The main epidemic strains were JN1 series variants, and the top three were JN1, JN14 and JN116.

On May 13, Zhao Wei, director of the Biosafety Research Center of the School of Public Health of Southern Medical University, told People’s Daily Health client reporter that considering that the infected people already had certain antibody levels and immune barriers, even if there were new mutants, the symptoms of the current variants are still mainly mild and asymptomatic infections. In addition, the emergence of new mutants indicates that novel coronavirus has not disappeared, and the virus is still mutating. from a clinical point of view, although the current mutants have increased the advantage of transmission, there is no difference between the clinical symptoms of the infected person and the previous strains. At present, there is no significant increase in pathogenicity, and the serious disease rate should not increase.

According to the picture, “the epidemic situation of novel coronavirus infection in China in April 2023”.

The KP2 mutant is a derivative of JN1. There is a point mutation of two amino acids on the outermost spike protein, resulting in increased infectivity, which may be the main reason why it has quickly become the mainstream mutant. Internationally, it has surpassed JN1 to become the main epidemic strain in some countries. Therefore, many people are worried about triggering a new round of infection peak, but it needs to be clear that as long as the pathogenicity does not increase significantly. You don’t have to worry too much for the time being. Zhao Wei explained.

According to the reporter, globally, the KP2 mutant has begun to spread in many countries around the world. According to the data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on May 10, a COVID-19 mutant named KP2 has replaced JN1 as the main epidemic strain in the United States. On May 9, local time, GN reported that KP2 quickly dominated Canada. As of April 28, national data showed that KP2 accounted for 266% of all COVID-19 cases in Canada, more than other JN1 subvariants.

From the clinical observation, this mutant is still as contagious as other O mutants, but its pathogenicity is weak. At this stage, the emergence of new variants of the virus will not have a significant impact on everyone’s normal life, but there may still be severe cases for the elderly and people with low immunity, so remind these high-risk people to continue to pay attention to the information released by the relevant departments and do a good job of personal protection during the epidemic. Zhao Wei warned that it is still possible for the virus to mutate in the future to produce strains with more transmission advantages, and even do not rule out the emergence of strains with strong virulence, and it is necessary to continuously monitor virus changes and develop safer and effective vaccines. (People’s Daily Health client reporter Wang Aibing)

Guterres called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip at the Rafah crossing

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Cairo, March 23 (Reporter Yao Bing) United Nations Secretary-General Guterres once again called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip when he visited the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip on the 23rd.

Guterres said at a press conference held at the Rafah port: An immediate humanitarian ceasefire is needed now more than ever. It’s time for the gunshots to die down.

Guterres said that there is no reason to justify the attack on Israel by the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on October 7 last year, nor can there be any reason to justify Israel’s collective punishment of the Palestinian people. Palestinians in the Gaza Strip remain in endless nightmares. Communities and houses were destroyed, families were devastated, and people were plagued by hunger. He expressed regret that Israel continued to encircle the Gaza Strip during the Muslim Ramadan.

Guterres said the United Nations will continue to work with Egypt to ensure aid reaches the Gaza Strip. He expressed appreciation for Egypt’s full support for the people of Gaza.

According to data released by the Palestinian Gaza Strip Health Department on the 23rd, since a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out on October 7 last year, Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have caused more than 3.21 million deaths and more than 740,000 injuries.

Russian President Vladimir Putin warns the West_ ready for nuclear war

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According to a Reuters report on March 13, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the West that Russia is technically ready for nuclear war. If the United States sends troops to Ukraine, it will be regarded as a major escalation of the war.

Putin accepted a joint interview with Russian Channel-1 and Russian News Agency on the 12th. A program about this interview was officially broadcast on the 13th.

The report said that when answering the question whether Russia is really preparing to fight a nuclear war, Putin said: From the perspective of military technology, we are certainly ready.

Putin pointed out that the United States understood that if it deployed U.S. troops on Russian territory or in Ukraine, Russia would view the move as intervention. So while I don’t think this is all rushing towards (nuclear confrontation), we are ready for this, he said.

The conflict in Ukraine triggered the most serious crisis in Russia’s relations with the West since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Putin has repeatedly warned that if the West sends troops to fight in Ukraine, it may trigger a nuclear war.

Putin reiterated in the interview that the use of nuclear weapons is something that has been clarified in the Kremlin’s nuclear policy, which sets out the circumstances in which Russia may use nuclear weapons.

Putin said: Weapons exist to use them. We have our own principles.

The report also said that regarding the conflict in Ukraine that has lasted for two years, Putin said that Russia is ready to hold serious talks on the Ukraine issue.

Putin said: Russia is ready to negotiate on Ukraine, but negotiations should be based on reality, not on aspirations after using psychotropic drugs.

Reuters reported last month that Putin’s proposal to cease fire in Ukraine to freeze the war was rejected by the United States after intermediaries between Russia and the United States approached.

The report mentioned that he also said in an interview that if the United States conducts nuclear tests, Russia may do the same.

He said: It may not be possible that we will still consider this issue, but I do not rule out the possibility that we will do the same. (Compiled by Long Jun)

Israeli military says four Hamas commanders were killed

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Jerusalem, March 20 (Reporters Lu Yingxu and Wang Zhuolun) The Israel Defense Forces and Israel’s National Security Directorate (Sinbet) issued a statement on the 20th saying that since last week, Israeli warplanes have killed four Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) senior commander in the Gaza Strip.

The statement said that when Israeli warplanes attacked the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah on the 18th, three Hamas Emergency Committee officials were killed and another person was injured. They are responsible for organizing terrorist activities and assisting the Hamas military wing in controlling the Gaza Strip.

As of now, Hamas has not responded to this matter.

The Israeli army said in this statement that Israeli warplanes also killed Nidal Eide, head of the Rafah Emergency Committee, last week.

According to data released by the Palestinian Gaza Strip Health Department on the 20th, Israeli forces ‘attacks on the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours have killed a total of 104 people and injured 162 others. Since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict in October last year, Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have caused more than 3.19 million deaths and nearly 740,000 injuries.

Greek PM criticizes new North Macedonia president_s name formulation in his inaugural speech

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Athens, May 13 (Reporter Chen Gang) Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis criticized on the 13th that the new President of North Macedonia Davkova’s use of Macedonia when mentioning the name of the country in his inaugural speech was inconsistent with the previous agreement reached between the two countries.

North Macedonia President-elect Davkova was sworn in on the 12th. In her inaugural speech, she used Macedonia when referring to her country’s name, causing Greek Foreign Minister Jera Petritis to leave the table on the spot.

Mizotakis said North Macedonia’s new president’s call of his name was unacceptable, violating the agreement between the two countries.

The Office of the President of North Macedonia later issued a statement saying that Davkova insisted that she had the right to use the name of Macedonia and believed that her practice was in line with European values and principles.

European Commission President Von der Leyen and European Council President Michel successively issued articles on social media pointing out Davkova’s actions were inappropriate. Von der Leyen said on social media: If North Macedonia wants to successfully join the EU, the most important thing is to continue on the path of reform and fully respect binding agreements.

Macedonia became independent from Yugoslavia in 1991 and established its constitutional name as the Republic of Macedonia. Greece believes that this name implies that it has territorial and cultural heritage requirements for the Greek province of Macedonia. Due to a name dispute, Greece, a member of the European Union and NATO, opposes the Republic of Macedonia’s accession to the European Union and NATO.

After years of mediation negotiations, the two countries reached an agreement in June 2018 to change Macedonia’s name to the Republic of North Macedonia as a condition for Greece to agree to its accession to the European Union and NATO. In January 2019, the two parliaments successively approved the agreement. In February 2019, Macedonia officially changed its name to the Republic of North Macedonia.

Putin_ Ukraine launches _multi_point attacks_ to influence Russia_s election

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According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on March 13, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview conducted simultaneously by Kiselev, general manager of Russia International Media Group Today, for Russia-1 TV and RIA Novosti that Ukraine’s attempt to attack Russia’s multiple regions. If the main purpose is not to undermine Russia’s presidential election, it is also to interfere with the normal process of Russian citizens expressing their will.

The report quoted Putin as saying that Ukraine has failed on the line of contact, so they need to show off when attacking various parts of Russia.

Putin said: I have no doubt that if their main purpose is not to undermine Russia’s presidential election, it is also to try every means to interfere with the normal process of Russian citizens expressing their will. This is the first. Second, this is an information effect, as I have said before.

Putin emphasized: The third point is to let the Ukrainian army succeed, which means to get some opportunity, some argument or some trump card in the possible future negotiation process: If you give us this, we will give you that.