Syria holds parliamentary elections

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Damascus, July 15 (Reporter Cheng Shuapeng Jize) Syria held parliamentary elections on the 15th. Six candidates from different political parties and independent candidates competed for 250 parliamentary seats.

The election was held in areas controlled by Syrian government forces. At present, some areas in northern Syria provinces such as Idlib, Raqqa, Hasakeh, Dayr ez-Zor, and Aleppo are still controlled by Syrian opposition armed forces or extremist organizations.

The Syria Election High Judicial Council previously announced that there will be a total of 8 polling stations across Syria for this election. The voting time will be from 7:00 to 19:00 local time, which can be extended by up to 5 hours with the approval of the committee.

This is the fourth parliamentary election since Syria promulgated a new constitution in February 2012. The last election was held in July 2020, and the National Progressive Front, led by the ruling Arab Baath Socialist Party, won a majority in parliament. Public opinion here believes that the National Progressive Front is still expected to win a majority of seats in this election.

Affected by war, sanctions, epidemics, regional conflicts, etc., Syria’s economic situation and people’s livelihood conditions have continued to deteriorate in recent years. Economic and people’s livelihood issues have become the focus of attention of many candidates and voters.

According to the Syria constitution, parliament holds elections every four years.

Israel refuses to accept UN General Assembly resolution on Palestinian membership

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Jerusalem, May 15 (Reporters Lu Yingxu and Wang Zhuolun) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on the 15th that Israel refused to accept the resolution recently adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on the issue of Palestinian membership, saying that the resolution does not constitute future Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. basis.

According to a press release issued by the Israeli Government Information Office, the Israeli government unanimously decided that day to refuse to accept the UN General Assembly resolution. Netanyahu said in the communiqué that the UN General Assembly resolution will not change the status of the disputed territory or the rights of Israel and the Jewish people on Israeli land. This resolution does not form the basis for future negotiations between the two sides, nor will it accelerate the peaceful settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

On the 10th of this month, the 10th emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution with a vote of 143 in favor, 9 against, and 25 abstentions, concluding that the State of Palestine meets the membership of the United Nations as stipulated in the United Nations Charter and should be accepted as a member of the United Nations. The resolution recommended that the Security Council reconsider Palestine’s application to join the United Nations as a member state from a favorable perspective.

Palestine is currently an observer state at the United Nations. In September 2011, Palestine submitted a formal application to the United Nations to become a member of the United Nations, but it was not approved by the Security Council. In early April this year, at Palestine’s request, the 15 members of the Security Council reviewed Palestine’s application for membership in the United Nations again and voted on relevant draft resolutions on April 18. The draft was not adopted because the United States used its veto power to cast a negative vote.

Biden signs bill to ban U.S. imports of Russian uranium

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Washington, May 13 (Reporter Deng Xianlai) U.S. President Biden signed a bill on the 13th to ban the United States from importing low-enriched uranium produced in Russia.

Jack Sullivan, U.S. National Security Assistant to the President, issued a statement on the same day saying that Biden signed the “Ban the Import of Russian Uranium Act” and made it law, aiming to reduce and ultimately eliminate the U.S. dependence on Russia in the civil nuclear energy field.

The bill has previously been passed in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. According to regulations, 90 days after the bill takes effect, U.S. companies will not be allowed to import low-enriched uranium produced in Russia. The bill provides exemptions for utilities such as nuclear power plants that have to shut down nuclear reactors due to cutting off Russia’s uranium supply. The exemption policy will expire no later than January 1, 2028. The bill also authorizes the federal government to allocate $27.2 billion in funding previously approved by Congress to enhance the U.S. domestic uranium enrichment capabilities.

According to the Washington Post, U.S. companies currently import about US$1 billion worth of enriched uranium from Russia’s national atomic energy every year.

Foreign media_ An air force base in Iraq where US troops are stationed was attacked

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According to a Reuters report on July 16, two Iraq military sources told Reuters that two armed drones attacked an air base in western Iraq where US military and other international troops were stationed on the 16th.

Reported that this is the second attack on U.S. troops stationed in Iraq since early February.

Sources said there were no reports of casualties. An Iraq officer said defense systems shot down a drone near the base.

In April, two drones were shot down near the base, according to a U.S. official.

According to reports, an Iraq army officer said the Iraq army has stepped up patrols around the base to prevent further attacks.

The report said a senior Iraq military delegation is expected to visit Washington in a week to continue negotiations on ending the U.S. -led coalition operations in Iraq.

Washington and Baghdad began negotiations in January to reassess the withdrawal of the U.S. -led coalition from Iraq. The coalition was formed in 2014 to help fight the Islamic State group that then occupied most of Iraq. (Compiled by Guo Jun)

The representative of China calls on the international community to jointly promote equal and orderly world multipolarity

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United Nations, July 16 (Reporter Wang Jiangang) Fu Cong, Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations, spoke at the Security Council’s open debate on international order and multilateral cooperation on the 16th, calling on the international community to promote the construction of a more just and reasonable international order, safeguard sovereign equality, and Let every country find its place in the multipolar system, play its due role, and jointly promote an equal and orderly world multipolarization.

Fu Cong said that countries should respect each other, take into account each other’s core interests and major concerns, respect the development paths and institutional models independently chosen by the people of all countries, and not interfere in other countries ‘internal affairs; create common security, be based on the objective law that security is indivisible, and adhere to Resolve disputes through dialogue, resolve differences through consultation, and build a more balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture; Promote common development, promote inclusive economic globalization, accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and strive to achieve the goal of leaving no country or anyone behind.

Fu Cong called on all countries to uphold fairness and justice, safeguard the authority of the United Nations and international law, advocate a global governance concept of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, enhance the representation and voice of developing countries; demonstrate openness and inclusiveness, promote equal dialogue, exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations, promote mutual understanding among people of all countries, and promote common values for all mankind.

Fu Cong pointed out that the real intention of some countries in the so-called rules-based international order is to create an alternative system outside the existing international legal system and seek legitimacy for double standards and exceptionalism. There is only one order in the world, that is, an international order based on international law. There is only one set of rules, that is, the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter.

Fu Cong said that NATO, as a well-known regional military group left over from the Cold War, seeks to expand its sphere of influence, is keen to create false narratives, add fuel everywhere, incite camp confrontation, and even blame and blame domain name foreigners on the Ukraine issue. This runs counter to the international community’s efforts to promote peace and talks. History has fully proved that wherever NATO’s black hands extend, turmoil and chaos appear. China advises NATO and some countries to reflect on themselves and stop being troublemakers who harm others and undermine common security.

Fu Cong said that common development and common security complement each other and are the foundation of a good international order, in which development is the overall key to solving all problems. Some countries generalize the concept of national security, build small courtyards and high walls, impose indiscriminate unilateral sanctions, and disrupt the global production and supply chain, which will ultimately lead to a situation of double lose and multiple lose. The international community must resolutely resist this erroneous practice.

Fu Cong said that Chinese leaders followed the trend of the times and proposed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which fully reflected the spirit of the Charter and created the basic norms of international relations that countries, big or small, strong or weak, regardless of East and West, should respect each other and treat each other as equals., also provides an important ideological foundation for promoting the development of the international order in a more just and reasonable direction. Chinese leaders ‘proposal to build a community with a shared future for mankind is an inheritance and promotion of the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence under the new situation.

A landslide occurred in Papua New Guinea_ about 100 people died_ and more than 6 villages were affected

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On the 24th local time, Sandis Saka, governor of Enga Province, Papua New Guinea, publicly issued a document saying that the landslide that occurred in the province in the early morning of the day was an unprecedented natural disaster that caused huge losses to property and human lives. The landslide affected more than six villages in the province, and it is not yet possible to calculate specific losses.

Sandis Saka expressed sympathy to local communities and families, as well as to the people affected by the disaster and the victims.

Sandis Saka said that the Nga provincial government deployed a Rapid Incident Response Service team to the scene that morning to carry out rescue work and conduct a rapid assessment of the extent of local damage. The team is composed of officials from the Provincial Disaster Relief Office, Provincial Health Bureau, Police, Papua New Guinea Defense Force, and international organizations based in Papua New Guinea such as the Office of International Migration and the United Nations Development Program.

At about 3 a.m. local time on the 24th, a village in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea suffered a landslide. Local residents said the estimated death toll exceeded 100. Authorities have not yet confirmed the number of casualties. (General reporter Liu Zhimin)

NATO military delegation visited Ukraine for the first time after the outbreak of Russia_Ukraine conflict

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According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 21, Dutch Admiral Robbauer, chairman of the NATO Military Committee, who is visiting Ukraine, said that he is leading the first NATO military delegation to visit the country since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Reported that Powell said in a speech at a security forum in Kiev that he was leading the first NATO military delegation to visit Ukraine since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

He said the reason for the visit was that NATO and Ukraine were getting closer than ever before.

Reports said that Russia had previously issued notes to NATO countries regarding their practice of providing weapons to Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov pointed out that any cargo containing weapons for Ukraine will become a legitimate target for Russian troops. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that NATO countries that provide weapons to Ukraine are playing with fire. Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that Western arms supplies will not help the success of Russia-Ukraine negotiations and will only have a negative impact.

According to a report by the German News TV channel on the 20th, Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski said that Western soldiers are open secrets in Ukraine. He said that as the German Chancellor said, there are already troops from a number of major powers in Ukraine. (Compiled by Liu Yang)

South Korean government announces the results of expansion of medical schools and the Korean medical community continues to oppose it

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According to a report by Yonhap News Agency on March 20, the South Korean government officially announced on the 20th the results of the allocation of 2000 places to expand the enrollment of 2000 students in the national medical school year. As a result, the medical school enrollment expansion plan has been settled in 27 years. In order to expand local medical infrastructure, the government will allocate 82% of the new places to non-capital area colleges and universities, and the remaining 18% will be allocated to Gyeonggi Province and Incheon areas. The number of schools in Seoul will remain unchanged.

Minister of Education Lee Zhouhao announced the results of the allocation of enrollment places for medical schools in the 2025 academic year, including the above contents, at the Central Government’s Seoul Office Building on the same day. The Ministry of Education received applications for medical school enrollment quotas from 40 universities across the country from February 22 to March 4. After that, it discussed with experts through the Expansion Allocation Committee and released the results.

The results show that the 27 university medical schools in non-capital areas will expand enrollment by 1639 students, accounting for 82% of the total enrollment expansion. At present, the number of students enrolled in non-capital medical schools is 2023, accounting for 662% of the national medical school enrollment scale (3058 students), and will increase to 3662 starting next year, accounting for 724% of the total enrollment scale.

In the Capital Region, the government has allocated 361 expanded enrollment places to five universities in Gyeonggi Province and Incheon City with enrollment sizes of less than 50 students, but the eight universities in Seoul have zero new places.

The Ministry of Education explained that the allocation of quotas is mainly considered to alleviate the imbalance between medical resources in the capital and non-capital areas, so that citizens can enjoy high-quality medical services in any region. The allocation committee comprehensively considered the materials submitted by each institution, educational conditions and future plans, and contribution to regions and essential medical care.

This is the government’s expansion of the enrollment scale of medical schools in 27 years. Analysts believe that although the medical profession still strongly resists the enrollment expansion policy through collective resignations, the government announced the allocation results on the same day, and the enrollment of medical students has been settled. The Ministry of Education plans to work with relevant departments to improve medical education conditions and provide support for institutions to hire professors and expand facilities.

Russian report_ Repell the Ukrainian infiltration team_ Russia was attacked for three consecutive days before election

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According to a report by the Russian satellite news agency on March 14, the Russian National Guard announced on its Telegraph channel that the Russian National Guards, soldiers and FSB border guards fought a battle with members of the Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance team that were trying to sneak into Kursk.

Reported that the Russian National Guard released the news that: the Russian National Guard forces involved in repelling the enemy sabotage and reconnaissance team in the Kursk Prefecture near the town of Chotkino attack.

The governor of Kursk state, Roman Starrovoit, reported at around 11:45 Moscow time that the saboteurs were attempting to infiltrate.

Related news recommendations:

One Russian was killed when he was attacked for three days before the election.

According to Agence France-Presse, March 14, officials said that one person was killed and six injured in a drone attack on the evening of the 13th in a region bordering Russia and Ukraine. This is the third night of drone attacks on Russian territory.

Reported that the Russian Defense Ministry said that 14 Ukrainian drones were destroyed at night, which is the latest round of attacks on Russian territory before the Russian presidential election on March 15-17. Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to win the election again.

Viaceslav Gladkov, governor of Belgorod, wrote in the Telegraph software: a civilian was killed. The man was driving when a shell hit his engine. He died on the spot of his injuries.

Gladkov said the airstrikes also destroyed two houses and one medical facility.

On the night of the 13th, 11 drones were shot down in the Belgorod region and three in the Kursk region, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement. (compiled by Lu Di)

German media: Ukraine systematically attacks Russian oil facilities with drones

Ukraine is systematically attacking Russian oil facilities with drones and achieving results again, German news television channel reported on March 13.

It is reported that three drones caused a fire at an oil refinery in Liangzan prefecture southeast of Moscow. The new Shahjinsk oil refinery in Rostov-upon-Don was also attacked. The latter is reported to be the largest oil refiner in southern Russia.

A source from Ukraine’s State Security Service told the Ukrainian newspaper Truth: we are systematically implementing a well-planned strategy to weaken the economic potential of the Russian Federation. Our task is to deprive the enemy of resources. He said the military’s fuel supply and Russia’s oil revenue for the war would be affected.

Reported that Ukraine hopes that the continued crackdown on Russian oil facilities can significantly reduce Russia’s fuel production. “Spring sowing in Russia will become very difficult, which means food prices will rise sharply,” former Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Andr é Graschenko wrote on social platform X. Fuel shortages may also push up the prices of other commodities, he said.

A total of 58 Ukrainian drones were shot down by Russian air defense systems from midnight to early morning on March 13, the Russian Defense Ministry said. So far, however, the Russian military does not seem to have found a way to deal with Ukraine’s constantly developing and upgrading drones.

Itar-Tass quoted Kremlin spokesman Peskov as saying on the 12th: our soldiers are taking all necessary measures. He said that the air defense system is operating effectively, and whether the protection of industrial targets should be strengthened is a question to be answered by the Ministry of National Defense.

Putin said in an interview that the attacks are aimed at interfering with the upcoming presidential election. (compiler Wang Ting

Iran releases its first helicopter accident investigation report_ No bullet marks found

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On May 23, local time, the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces released the first investigation report on the helicopter accident carried by the late President Leahy and his entourage. It is reported that a professional technical team dispatched from Tehran arrived at the helicopter crash site at 9 a.m. local time on the 20th to collect information.

The report shows:

The helicopter flew according to the planned route and did not leave the designated route.

About a minute and a half before the helicopter accident, the pilot of the helicopter that crashed communicated with the other two helicopters of the flight crew.

No bullet marks or similar conditions were found in the remaining parts of the crashed helicopter.

The crashed helicopter caught fire after reaching high altitude.

Due to complex regional conditions, heavy fog and low temperatures, the search and rescue operation was extended and continued throughout the night. At 5 a.m. on May 20, with the help of Iranian drones, the location of the accident was accurately located.

No suspicious circumstances were found in the tower’s conversations with the crew.

The report also mentioned that most of the information related to the helicopter accident has been collected, and that some content needs more time for Iran to review. (General reporter Li Shuangxi)