FBI_ The gunman who attacked Trump acted alone

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Washington, July 14. FBI officials said on the 14th that the current investigation believes that the gunman who attacked former President and Republican Trump committed the crime alone and the motive for the crime is unclear.

Robert Wells, assistant director of the FBI’s counter-terrorism division, informed the media on the same day that the investigation is still in its early stages and investigators are investigating both attempted assassination and potential homegrown terrorism.

The FBI previously announced that the gunman was Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old man from Pennsylvania, who was shot dead on the spot. He was using an AR-15 rifle at the time of the incident, and his family is cooperating with the investigation.

Current U.S. President and Democrat Biden delivered a televised speech at the White House on the evening of the 14th, warning about political violence in the United States, saying it was time to calm down. Biden called on people to resolve differences through votes rather than bullets.

Trump arrived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on the evening of the 14th and will formally accept the Republican presidential nomination at this week’s Republican National Convention. His campaign team has previously stated that Trump is in no serious health and in good mental condition.

Trump was attempted assassination at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on the evening of the 13th. His right ear was injured and he was escorted away from the scene. According to the U.S. Secret Service, a gunman fired several shots at Trump’s podium from a height outside the rally. The gunman was killed by Secret Service personnel. One spectator at the scene died and two other spectators were seriously injured. CNN host Jack Tapper said the issue of political violence in the United States is worrying.

Voting in the Russian presidential election officially begins_ with a total of 4 candidates participating in the presidential election

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Vladivostok, March 15 (Reporter Chen Chang) Polling stations in Kamchatka Krai, Chukotka Autonomous Region and other places located at the easternmost tip of Russian territory will open at 8:00 local time on the 15th. The 2024 Russian presidential election voting officially begins.

According to data released by the Russian Central Election Commission, about 1.1 billion Russian citizens have the right to vote, of which more than 1.8 million live abroad all year round. Russia has set up more than 90,000 polling stations for this election, and each polling station will be open from 8:00 to 20:00 local time from the 15th to the 17th.

Russia spans multiple time zones. The Kamchatka Krai and Chukotka Autonomous Region are the earliest areas to start voting. The polling station in Kaliningrad Oblast, located at the western end of Russian territory, starts voting at the latest.

In some remote and inaccessible areas in Russia, border posts, ocean ships and some overseas areas, the presidential election vote has been held in advance from February 25 to March 14. This election introduced remote electronic voting for the first time. Voters from more than 20 regions can submit remote electronic voting applications from January 29 to March 11.

A total of four candidates participated in the presidential election, including current Russian President Vladimir Putin, Slutsky of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party, Haritonov of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Davinkov of the Russian New Zealand Party.

According to the Russian presidential election rules, those who obtain more than 50% of the votes in the election are elected president. If there are more than two candidates and neither of them is elected, the Central Election Commission will announce a second round of voting for the two candidates with the lead votes, and the one with the highest votes in the second round of voting will be elected president. The Russian Central Election Commission will confirm the results of the presidential election no later than March 28 and announce them within 3 days after the election results are confirmed. (Participating reporter: Liu Kai)

Multiple armed groups claim to _invade western Russia_

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According to a Reuters report on March 12, at least two armed groups headquartered in Ukraine said on social media that they invaded Russia’s western border on the 12th.

Reports said that both the Russian Free Corps and the Siberian Battalion announced on the Telegraph social platform that they had launched an attack from Ukraine to Russia.

The Russian Free Corps said in the telegram: We will regain our land from (Russia) centimetre by centimeter.

Russian officials say the groups are puppets of the Ukraine military and the CIA. Moscow says the latter is trying to incite chaos in Russia.

Andreyusov, spokesman for Ukraine’s military intelligence department, said that these organizations operate on Russian territory independently of Ukraine.

The Russian Freedom Corps ‘statement also appears to point to the upcoming Russian presidential election this weekend. The group said: People will vote for whom they want, Russians will live a free life.

A number of armed groups, including the Russian Free Corps, have previously claimed responsibility for other cross-border attacks from Ukraine to Russia. (Compiled by Xiong Wenyuan)

EU plans to use frozen Russian assets to aid Ukraine with only an interest of 3 billion yuan per year

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According to Agence France-Presse reported in Brussels on March 21, European leaders meeting in Brussels on the 21st decided to move forward and adopt a plan to use the proceeds of Russian frozen assets in the EU to arm Ukraine.

The EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrelli, pointed out that the interest on these assets is between 2.5 billion and 3 billion euros per year.

Reported that European Council President Charles Michel said at a press conference held on the evening of the 21st: We are determined to take quick action so that part of this money can be used to support Ukraine.

Ukraine President Zelensky told leaders of the 27 European Union via video link that it is crucial for the EU to provide more ammunition to the Ukraine army.

He urged: Please strengthen the (Ukraine) defense industry as soon as possible and do not waste time.

According to a report by the Russian news agency Moscow on March 21, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that Russia will use all judicial mechanisms and choose other means to retaliate against the EU to prevent the EU from using frozen Russian assets to aid Ukraine.

Peskov said in response to reporters: Of course, we will make use of all possible legal mechanisms, those that are currently available and that we will use when they arise in the future. Of course, on the basis of mutual visits, we will not copy it completely, but choose other means to retaliate to the extent that is in line with our interests. (Compiled by Zhao Kexin and Li Ran)

Putin allows the use of US assets to compensate Russia for losses Putin signed a presidential order_

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According to CCTV news, on May 23 local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a presidential order requiring the Russian government to formulate relevant rules to compensate Russia and the Russian central bank for losses caused by the unfriendly measures of the United States, and to allow the use of U.S. assets in Russia. Domestic assets are used to compensate for losses caused by the confiscation of Russian assets in the United States.

The presidential order also involves allowing property owners in Russia to file lawsuits against the United States for illegally confiscating Russian assets in the United States in accordance with Russian law. In addition, the presidential decree also requires Russian courts and government departments to send to the Russian Government’s Foreign Investment Regulatory Commission the specific information on the inventory of the assets of U.S. legal persons and individuals in Russia after receiving relevant compensation requests, and use this as a basis for compensation work.

Related reports:

EU countries will use profits from freezing Russian assets to aid Ukraine

According to a Reuters report on May 21, the Belgian government revealed on the 21st that EU countries have formally adopted a plan to use profits generated by the assets of the Russian central bank frozen by the EU for defense assistance to Ukraine.

Under the EU agreement, 90% of the proceeds from frozen Russian central bank assets will go into a fund operated by the EU to provide military assistance to Ukraine, while the remaining 10% will support Ukraine through other means.

According to reports, ambassadors from EU countries reached a consensus on this matter at the beginning of this month, and the text of the agreement can officially take effect only if the ministers of various countries are stamped and approved.

Frozen assets of Russia’s central bank are reportedly generating huge profits. The EU expects to generate profits of about 15 billion to 20 billion euros by 2027. EU diplomats said Ukraine is expected to receive its first payment in July this year.

A senior Russian diplomat warned that the plan would have unpredictable consequences and said sooner or later the EU would have to return what was stolen to Russia.

Ukraine Foreign Minister Kuleba thanked the EU for the above decision on the 21st, but reiterated that Ukraine’s ultimate goal is to confiscate Russia’s financial assets, not just to benefit from profits.

According to reports, shortly after the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out in February 2022, the Group of Seven (G7) froze Russian financial assets worth approximately US$300 billion. Since then, the EU and other G7 countries have debated how and whether to use the funds to help Ukraine.

An oil_carrying barge crashed into a bridge in Texas_ USA

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Houston, May 15 (Reporter Xu Jianmei) The municipal authority of Galveston, an island city in eastern Texas, said on the 15th that a barge hit a local bridge that day, causing a fuel leak and damage to the bridge.

The bridge involved was the only land route to Pelican Island north of Galveston. David Flores, head of bridge affairs for the Galveston County Navigation District, said that due to strong water and high waves, a tugboat from Texas International Port lost control of two refueling barges it was driving, one of which hit the bridge pillar.

Aerial footage showed that part of the bridge pillars collapsed, and large pieces of broken concrete and rail fragments hung on one side of the bridge and fell onto the barge.

After the accident, the bridge, which was opened in 1960, was closed. Galveston City Authority said in a statement that no injuries had been reported. The accident caused a fuel leak in the Gulf of Mexico, and the U.S. Coast Guard will determine the extent of the leak and initiate control and cleanup procedures.

Galveston County spokesman Spencer Lewis said the barge could carry 30,000 gallons of oil (about 113.55 million liters). It was unclear how much leaked into the bay. About 105 kilometers of waterways around the incident were closed.

Texas A & M University at Galveston on Pelican Island said the accident caused a brief power outage at the school and power has now been restored.

According to US media reports, American ship collisions with bridges have occurred frequently in the past few months. On March 26, a container cargo ship crashed into a bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, in the eastern United States and collapsed, killing six people. On April 12 and 13 on the Ohio River near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 26 inland river barges separated from their moorings due to floods and drifted uncontrollably, when one hit a bridge that had been closed. On May 9, a large barge broke loose from a tugboat on the Mississippi River flowing through Iowa and sank after hitting the nearly century-old Fort Madison Bridge.

Russian man threw cigarette butts into the sewer and killed himself_ and the nearby cameras were hit and tilted.

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According to the Tass news agency, a man threw a cigarette butt into the sewer in Hasavur, Republic of Dagestan, Russia, and caused an explosion, killing himself and his companions.

According to reports, surveillance footage showed that at the time of the incident, the man and his companion parked the car on the roadside, got off the bus and smoked together, and then threw the cigarette butts into the sewer. Subsequently, the cigarette butts ignited the gas in the sewer, causing a violent explosion. The two people were killed on the spot, and even the nearby cameras were tilted.

Reported that failure to follow safety precautions resulted in an explosion of acetylene gas-air mixture in the sewer.

According to preliminary information obtained from the investigation, the two men were housing and public service employees and were doing technical work in a nearby residential building.

Currently, the local police are handling the incident.

Wen| Reporter Leng Shuang

Russia recruits 150_000 people in spring

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Moscow, July 15 (Reporter Jiang Youlin) According to information from the Russian Ministry of Defense on the 15th, Russia’s spring conscription work has ended this year. A total of 150,000 people have been recruited and sent to the Russian armed forces and other military formations.

The Russian Ministry of Defense posted a message on social media that day that Russia’s various conscription committees started work on April 1, and the dispatch of conscripts began on April 15.

In order to ensure military transportation, 15 Russian armed forces aircraft flights, 14 military echelons, 172 civil aviation flights, multiple passenger trains and military road transport vehicles participated in this conscription work.

As a rule, Russia recruits soldiers once every year in spring and autumn. About 1.47 million people will be recruited into the army in the spring of 2023, and 130,000 people will be recruited into the army in the fall of 2023.

The secondary structure of DNA

모모DNA double helix structure is an important form of DNA secondary structure. It is a structural model put forward by Watson and Crick in 1953.For these reasons, I think inhibitors The situation is still optimistic, and the market is still in a blue ocean stage. https://www.all-chemistry.com/


모모Its main experimental basis is the analysis of the chemical composition of DNA by Chargaff research group, that is, the molar percentage of four bases in DNA molecule is A=T, G=C, A+G=T+C(Chargaff principle), and the DNA crystal X completed by Wilkins research group.


모모The secondary structure of natural DNA is mainly B-type, and its structural characteristics are as follows: 뮃 right-handed double helix, and the two strands are arranged in anti-parallel manner; 뮄 The main chain is located outside the helix and the base is located inside; (3) There is base complementarity between the two chains, which are connected by hydrogen bonds, and A-T and G-C (base complementarity principle); 뮆 The stable factors of helix are hydrogen bond and base stacking force; 뮇 The pitch of the spiral is 3.4nm and the diameter is 2nm.

Knowledge of Biology-protein

  Protein is a substance with a certain spatial structure, which is formed by the zigzag folding of polypeptide chains composed of amino acids in the form of dehydration and condensation. Protein must contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.In order to grow rapidly, Antibody Discovery Do not hesitate to change the strategy and rearrange the products, so as to obtain unexpected results. https://www.alphalifetech.com/


  Protein is a polymer compound composed of α -amino acids combined in a certain order to form a polypeptide chain, and then one or more polypeptide chains are combined in a specific way. Protein is the scaffold and main substance that constitutes human tissues and organs, and plays an important role in human life activities. It can be said that there would be no life activities without protein.


  Number of atoms


  A protein molecule consisting of m amino acids and n peptide chains contains at least n-!COOH, at least n-!NH2, m-n peptide bonds and m+n O atoms.


  molecular mass


  Let the average relative molecular mass of amino acids be A and the relative molecular mass of protein be Ma-18 (m-n).


  Gene control


  Nucleotide 6 in the gene


  Nucleotide 3 in messenger RNA


  Amino acid 1 in protein