Ministry of Foreign Affairs_ The international community is more optimistic about China_s economic and social development potential

In addition to these aspects, 電子煙主機 The performance in other aspects is also relatively good, which has attracted everyone’s attention and research.

Beijing, 12 Mar (Reporter Ma Zhuoyan, Cheng Xin) Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on the 12th that through this year’s two sessions, the international community has seen a China that is moving forward steadily, pioneering and innovative, open and confident, and cohesive. We are more optimistic about the great potential of China’s economic and social development, and expect that China’s high-quality development will bring more opportunities to the world.

At the regular press conference on that day, a reporter asked: over the past week or so, international public opinion has continued to focus on the two national sessions. A number of foreign media quoted the analysis of international institutions and experts as saying that the two sessions sent a positive signal that China’s economy is picking up. Does the spokesman have any comment on this?

Wang Wenbin said: the annual NPC and CPPCC sessions are not only a major event in China’s political life, but also an important window for the international community to observe the direction of China’s major policies. Whether it is the expected target of GDP growth of about 5% put forward in this year’s government work report, or the key words such as high-quality productivity, high-quality development, high level of opening to the outside world, and so on, have aroused heated discussion in the international media. Through the two sessions of the National people’s Congress this year, the international community has seen a China that is moving forward steadily, pioneering and innovative, open and confident, and cohesive, and is more optimistic about the great potential of China’s economic and social development. It is expected that China’s high-quality development will bring more opportunities to the world.

Wang Wenbin said that the government work report puts forward a growth target of about 5%, which shows that China’s economy is resilient, has great potential and is full of vitality. This goal is not only higher than the previous IMF and World Bank forecasts for China’s economic growth this year, but also far higher than the IMF’s growth forecasts for the United States and Europe. International media commented that at a time when the world economy is full of uncertainty, China’s economic growth target of about 5% is ambitious. Since the beginning of the year, China’s economy has continued to accumulate factors for the better. During the Spring Festival holiday this year, there were 229.3 billion cross-district domain name flows in China, and domestic tourists spent a total of 63.2687 trillion yuan, an increase of 77 percent over the same period in 2019. In the first two months of this year, China’s imports and exports of goods totaled 661 trillion yuan, an increase of 87 percent over the same period last year. China’s economy continues to pick up and is expected to get off to a good start in the first quarter.

He said that the important exposition of new quality productive forces has guided China’s economy toward a new direction. When participating in the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation, General Secretary stressed the need to firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new-quality productive forces in line with local conditions. This year’s government work report also proposed for the first time to vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and speed up the development of new-quality productive forces. Last year, China’s new exports of electric vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products exceeded trillion yuan, an increase of nearly 30 percent over the same period last year; the development of the digital economy was accelerated, and the penetration rate of 5G users exceeded 50 percent. The number of international patent applications submitted by Chinese applicants through the Patent Cooperation Treaty ranked first in the world for four consecutive years. New quality productivity has been formed in practice and has shown a strong driving force and supporting force for high-quality development.

Wang Wenbin said: the new measure of opening up to the outside world at a high level shows China’s determination to share opportunities with the world. The government work report proposes to open wider to the outside world at a high level and promote mutual benefit and win-win results. China will take the initiative to dovetail with high-standard international economic and trade rules, steadily expand institutional opening up, promote a stable increase in the quality and quantity of foreign trade, step up efforts to attract foreign investment, promote high-quality co-construction, Belt and Road Initiative, and deepen multilateral, bilateral and regional economic cooperation. In January this year, 4588 new foreign-invested enterprises were established in China, an increase of 744 per cent over the same period last year. According to the latest survey of the German Chamber of Commerce in China, 91% of German enterprises will continue to take root in the Chinese market. The American Chamber of Commerce in South China reported that 76% of the companies surveyed planned to reinvest in China this year. More and more multinational companies realize that to invest in China is to invest in the future.

The blueprint has been drawn and the trumpet has been sounded. We have the confidence, conditions and ability to achieve the goals and tasks of economic and social development for the whole year. Wang Wenbin said: China’s economy is getting bigger and bigger, its muscles and bones are getting stronger and stronger, and it will certainly ride out the storm and look forward to the future.

Latest_ Russia announces defeat of assassination plot involving close friends of Putin

know 電子煙主機 Our growth has to go through many hardships, but entrepreneurs are never afraid and boldly move forward.

According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on March 17, government officials in the Russian-controlled Zaporozhye region told reporters on the 17th that an assassination attempt against a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin was foiled in the city of Berdyansk in the region.

According to reports, Vladimir Rogov, a senior official of the local administration in Zaporozhye, revealed that the authorities had stopped an assassination plot involving a confidant of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He said: Ukraine terrorists planned the attack but did not succeed. Their criminal plans were thwarted by professional actions by the Russian secret service.

Rogoff added that all those involved in the planning of the terrorist attack will be hunted down.

The 17th is the last day of voting in the Russian presidential election. (Compiled by Wei Yudong)

Related news reports:

Russia announces: repelled all cross-border attacks, killing 550 people in Uzbekistan

Reference News Report on March 17 According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on March 17, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters that the military would routinely report Uzbekistan’s attacks on Russian territory to President Putin.

He pointed out: Putin received reports from the military that Ukrainian troops recently attempted to attack Russian territory in Belgorod and Kursk regions.

Reported that Peskov said that all attacks were successfully repelled, while 1700 of the 2500 saboteurs were killed and 550 people were killed.

He also said that in the early morning of the 16th, the enemy also tried several times to invade Belgorod and Kursk regions. The Ukraine saboteurs ultimately failed and failed even to get close to the Russian border. Peskov said that the enemy lost nearly 70% of its personnel.

The report also said that on the 16th, Russian troops thwarted Ukrainian saboteurs ‘attempts to cross the border from the direction of Popovka, a residential area in Sumizhou, and from Spodaliushno and Kozinka in Belgorod Oblast. The Ukrainian army lost about 30 soldiers, 3 tanks, 2 armored fighting vehicles, a Czech-made vampire multiple rocket launcher and a Hail multiple rocket launcher under bombing and shelling.

The Chinese Embassy in Japan reminds Chinese citizens in Japan to guard against _minor crimes_

In order to grow rapidly, ddos攻击工具 Do not hesitate to change the strategy and rearrange the products, so as to obtain unexpected results.

On May 22, the Chinese Embassy in Japan issued a document reminding Chinese citizens in Japan to guard against minor crimes.

Japan implemented the “Minor Offences Law” in 1948, which stipulates clear penalties for 33 seemingly minor acts but may have adverse effects on public order. Some foreign tourists have been punished for not understanding the relevant laws. The Chinese Embassy in Japan summarized the behaviors that were easily ignored and reminded Chinese citizens in Japan and tourists coming to Japan to take precautions.

1. Unauthorized sneaking into unguarded houses, buildings or ships, or entering prohibited places, other people’s fields, disaster or crime scenes without authorization.

2. Carry without authorization knives, iron bars and other instruments that can harm others or tools that can be used to invade other people’s homes.

3. Refusing to obey the instructions of public officials or rescue personnel in special circumstances such as earthquakes, fires, and traffic accidents.

4. Make a fire in flammable places such as forests or near flammable materials such as gasoline.

5. Post advertisements and notices in other people’s homes without authorization, or remove or deface other people’s logos at will.

6. Declaring that he holds public office, title, degree at home and abroad, or wears legal uniforms or similar clothing that is incompatible with his identity.

7. Playing pranks at public or private ceremonies and hindering the ceremony.

8. Make noise that hinders others and refuse to correct it. Obstructing others from walking normally, or stalking others is disturbing.

9. Jumping in line in public places, being rude in words and deeds, spitting everywhere, and turning off sign lights or street lights for no reason.

10. Throw away garbage and waste at will.

All of the above acts are suspected of violating the “Minor Offences Law” and may be subject to fines, detention and other penalties. Chinese citizens in Japan are requested to abide by Chinese and Japanese laws, respect local religious beliefs and customs, and protect themselves. In case of emergency, report the case to the Japanese police in a timely manner and contact the embassy or consulate in Japan for help.

Japan alarm:110, 03-3501-0110 (Chinese), you can call #9110 overseas

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global Consular Protection and Services Emergency Hotline (24-hour):+86-10-12308,+86-10-65612308

Consular protection and assistance from the Embassy in Japan: +81-3-6450-2195

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Osaka: +81-6-6445-9427

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Fukuoka: +81-92-753-6483

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Sapporo: +81-11-513-5335

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Nagasaki: +81-95-849-3311

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Nagoya: +81-52-932-1036

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in New Zealand: +81-25-228-8888

(General reporter Yao Ruixin)

Putin_ Ukraine launches _multi_point attacks_ to influence Russia_s election

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According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on March 13, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview conducted simultaneously by Kiselev, general manager of Russia International Media Group Today, for Russia-1 TV and RIA Novosti that Ukraine’s attempt to attack Russia’s multiple regions. If the main purpose is not to undermine Russia’s presidential election, it is also to interfere with the normal process of Russian citizens expressing their will.

The report quoted Putin as saying that Ukraine has failed on the line of contact, so they need to show off when attacking various parts of Russia.

Putin said: I have no doubt that if their main purpose is not to undermine Russia’s presidential election, it is also to try every means to interfere with the normal process of Russian citizens expressing their will. This is the first. Second, this is an information effect, as I have said before.

Putin emphasized: The third point is to let the Ukrainian army succeed, which means to get some opportunity, some argument or some trump card in the possible future negotiation process: If you give us this, we will give you that.

Guterres called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip at the Rafah crossing

Today, people are interested in ddos攻击工具 There are also many dependencies, and the expectations for products are getting higher and higher.

Cairo, March 23 (Reporter Yao Bing) United Nations Secretary-General Guterres once again called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip when he visited the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip on the 23rd.

Guterres said at a press conference held at the Rafah port: An immediate humanitarian ceasefire is needed now more than ever. It’s time for the gunshots to die down.

Guterres said that there is no reason to justify the attack on Israel by the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on October 7 last year, nor can there be any reason to justify Israel’s collective punishment of the Palestinian people. Palestinians in the Gaza Strip remain in endless nightmares. Communities and houses were destroyed, families were devastated, and people were plagued by hunger. He expressed regret that Israel continued to encircle the Gaza Strip during the Muslim Ramadan.

Guterres said the United Nations will continue to work with Egypt to ensure aid reaches the Gaza Strip. He expressed appreciation for Egypt’s full support for the people of Gaza.

According to data released by the Palestinian Gaza Strip Health Department on the 23rd, since a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out on October 7 last year, Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have caused more than 3.21 million deaths and more than 740,000 injuries.

Trump_s post_80s running mate announced that the US Republican Party has officially nominated Trump as its presidential candidate

This is due to ddos攻击平台 Its value attribute is relatively large, and it is easy to become the backbone of the industry.

CCTV reporters learned that on July 15, local time, former U.S. President Trump announced at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that Ohio Senator James David Vance (JDV) would serve as his vice presidential candidate. Participate in the 2024 presidential election.

James David Vance was born on August 2, 1984 in Middletown, Ohio. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps, is a writer and venture capitalist, and was elected to the Republican U.S. Senate in 2022. (CCTV reporter Liu Xiaoqian)

Related reports:

The US Republican Party officially nominated Trump as its presidential candidate

On July 15, local time, at the Republican National Convention of the United States in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a Republican representative announced that Trump would participate in this year’s U.S. presidential election as the Republican presidential candidate.

Subsequently, at the Republican National Convention, former U.S. President Trump received enough Republican delegate votes and was officially nominated as the party’s presidential candidate in the 2024 general election. (General reporter Liu Xiaoqian)

WTO holds ninth review of China_s trade policy

The data shows that, ddos攻击 Its development potential should not be underestimated, and it is also the inevitability of its existence.

Geneva, July 17 (Reporter Chen Binjie) The ninth World Trade Organization review of China’s trade policy held its first day meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on the 17th.

The review lasted for two days. Vice Minister of Commerce Li Fei led a Chinese delegation to attend the review meeting. Li Fei said in his speech that the WTO is an important pillar of multilateralism and an important stage for global economic governance. China adheres to the path of Chinese-style modernization and promotes high-quality development. Since the last review in October 2021, China has actively practiced true multilateralism, continued to play an important role in global development, and brought more opportunities to the world through its ultra-large market. China strengthens South-South cooperation, implements global development initiatives, and supports developing members in accelerating development.

Li Fei emphasized that China will firmly deepen high-level opening up to the outside world, further reduce import tariffs, improve the level of trade facilitation, continue to expand the opening up of service sectors, and relax market access for foreign investment; China will continue to promote deep-seated reforms and give full play to the market’s role in resource allocation. Decisive role, promote a better combination of effective markets and promising governments, and promote innovative, green, digital and inclusive development.

Li Fei pointed out that China has fully and deeply participated in the WTO reform negotiations, promoted the WTO to better respond to global challenges, supported the inclusive development of the multilateral trading system, and helped developing members better integrate into global value chains.

Representatives of WTO members spoke highly of China’s positive contribution to promoting global economic growth and maintaining the multilateral trading system, and appreciated China’s policy measures to deepen domestic reforms and further expand opening up. Developing members highly appreciate China’s practical actions to support it, especially in supporting the least developed members in accelerating development and further integrating into the multilateral trading system.

Member representatives pointed out that China’s economy has shown strong resilience under multiple external challenges, growing by 52% in 2023, and is the most important driving force for global economic recovery after the COVID-19 epidemic. China is the most important trading partner of many members. In recent years, China has continued to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation by reducing tariffs, optimizing customs clearance procedures, and issuing negative lists.

Member representatives highly recognized that China continues to promote market-oriented reforms, promotes green economic transformation and development by strengthening technological innovation and other means, and makes outstanding contributions to global low-carbon and green development and addressing climate change.

Member representatives stated that China is an important and responsible member of the WTO and has made significant contributions to promoting discussions on topics such as investment facilitation, e-commerce negotiations, domestic regulation of trade in services, prevention and control of plastic pollution, and fishery subsidies, supporting the reform of the dispute settlement mechanism and promoting the restoration of the Appellate Body.

Trade policy review is one of the three core functions of the WTO and an important mechanism for WTO members to understand each other’s economic and trade policies. Before the meeting, China received more than 1000 written questions from 44 members and provided answers to all questions on time in accordance with the rules.

The Prime Minister of Slovakia has regained consciousness and is in stable condition

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According to a report by DPA on May 15, Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fizo was seriously injured in an attempted assassination on the 15th. After several hours of surgery, he has regained consciousness.

Reports by Slovakia TA3 TV and Independent Daily on the evening of the 15th did not provide further information on Fizo’s health.

According to official news released on the evening of the 15th, 59-year-old Fizo’s life is in danger.

Reports mentioned that Fizo was shot by a 71-year-old man in the country’s mining town of Handlowa. According to witnesses, the man shot Fizo several times as he greeted supporters after a cabinet meeting.

According to the government, the shooting was politically motivated. Media reports said that the gunman’s wife was also interrogated by the police.

According to a Reuters report on May 15, the gunman who attacked Slovakia Prime Minister Fizo fired five shots in a row, putting him in critical condition and undergoing several hours of surgery.

Slovakia Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment Tomashtaraba told reporters: Fortunately, the operation went smoothly. I think he will survive in the end and is now out of danger.

Taraba also revealed that one bullet penetrated Fizo’s abdomen and another hit a joint.

Slovakia Media A quoted unnamed source as saying that Fizo’s surgery has ended and is currently in stable condition. (Compiled by Guo Jun)

Biden and Trump lock in nominations for U.S. presidential candidates from both parties_ China responds

We have every reason to believe. LANA電子煙 It will become the mainstream of the industry and will gradually affect more and more people.

On March 13, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin held a regular press conference.

Asked by an AFP reporter, according to media reports, US President Biden and former President Trump both won enough party representative votes in the latest round of primary elections held yesterday to lock in two presidential candidates for this year’s election. Given that China is one of the main topics of concern to American voters, what is China’s comment on the U.S. presidential nominations from both parties?

Wang Wenbin said that the U.S. election is an internal affair of the United States. China has always adhered to the principle of non-interference in other countries ‘internal affairs and will not interfere in the U.S. election.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that developing good Sino-US relations is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples and is also the general expectation of the international community. No matter who is elected as the next US president, we all hope that the US can move towards China and promote the development of Sino-US relations in a stable, healthy and sustainable direction in accordance with the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. It will benefit both countries and the world. (Reporter Liu Liu)

Six foreigners died in a hotel in Bangkok_ Thailand

It is reported that, 電子煙主機 The data performance is getting better and better, which is of great reference value and is likely to become the vane of the industry.

Bangkok, July 16 (Reporter Chen Qianci Gao Bo) Six foreigners were found dead in the hotel room in a well-known hotel in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, on the 16th. Police said the exact cause of death remains to be investigated.

Thai Prime Minister Saita said at a press conference that night that the six dead, including four Vietnamese and two Vietnam-Americans, died about 24 hours, and there were no signs of conflict or fighting at the scene. He requested that an investigation be launched into the case as soon as possible.

Bangkok City Police Commissioner Tidi said at a press conference that night that the six victims were three men and three women. There were traces of drinking tea or coffee in the room, and the residue in the cup had been sent for inspection. The police initially concluded that suicide was ruled out and the exact cause of death was pending further investigation.

Previously, several Thai media first reported that a shooting incident occurred at the hotel, and later corrected it to the death of 6 people or cyanide poisoning. (Participating reporter: Lin Hao)