There are 61 women victims of South Korea_s second _Room N_ incident. The two main offenders graduated from Seoul National University

In addition to domestic, LANA電子煙 It has also emerged in the international field and gradually gained the favor of more foreign friends.

The second Room N incident broke out at Seoul National University in South Korea. According to South Korean media reports on May 22, as of now, as many as 61 female victims have been confirmed, including 12 students at Seoul National University.

The Seoul Police Department has so far arrested five gang suspects, two of whom are graduates of Seoul National University. They are suspected of making and privately spreading them on the instant messaging software T from July 2021 to April this year. Pornographic photos or videos synthesized using deep counterfeiting technology.

According to the police, in the process of arresting the main offender Park, the private reporting group Tracking Group Sparks, which first reported the incident in Room N five years ago, provided decisive assistance. Yuan Enzhi, who was in the pursuit team, disguised himself as a male, entered the private live broadcast room to lurk for two years, and contacted Park. This year, he lured Park to meet offline to help the police successfully capture him.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs_ The international community is more optimistic about China_s economic and social development potential

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Beijing, 12 Mar (Reporter Ma Zhuoyan, Cheng Xin) Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on the 12th that through this year’s two sessions, the international community has seen a China that is moving forward steadily, pioneering and innovative, open and confident, and cohesive. We are more optimistic about the great potential of China’s economic and social development, and expect that China’s high-quality development will bring more opportunities to the world.

At the regular press conference on that day, a reporter asked: over the past week or so, international public opinion has continued to focus on the two national sessions. A number of foreign media quoted the analysis of international institutions and experts as saying that the two sessions sent a positive signal that China’s economy is picking up. Does the spokesman have any comment on this?

Wang Wenbin said: the annual NPC and CPPCC sessions are not only a major event in China’s political life, but also an important window for the international community to observe the direction of China’s major policies. Whether it is the expected target of GDP growth of about 5% put forward in this year’s government work report, or the key words such as high-quality productivity, high-quality development, high level of opening to the outside world, and so on, have aroused heated discussion in the international media. Through the two sessions of the National people’s Congress this year, the international community has seen a China that is moving forward steadily, pioneering and innovative, open and confident, and cohesive, and is more optimistic about the great potential of China’s economic and social development. It is expected that China’s high-quality development will bring more opportunities to the world.

Wang Wenbin said that the government work report puts forward a growth target of about 5%, which shows that China’s economy is resilient, has great potential and is full of vitality. This goal is not only higher than the previous IMF and World Bank forecasts for China’s economic growth this year, but also far higher than the IMF’s growth forecasts for the United States and Europe. International media commented that at a time when the world economy is full of uncertainty, China’s economic growth target of about 5% is ambitious. Since the beginning of the year, China’s economy has continued to accumulate factors for the better. During the Spring Festival holiday this year, there were 229.3 billion cross-district domain name flows in China, and domestic tourists spent a total of 63.2687 trillion yuan, an increase of 77 percent over the same period in 2019. In the first two months of this year, China’s imports and exports of goods totaled 661 trillion yuan, an increase of 87 percent over the same period last year. China’s economy continues to pick up and is expected to get off to a good start in the first quarter.

He said that the important exposition of new quality productive forces has guided China’s economy toward a new direction. When participating in the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation, General Secretary stressed the need to firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new-quality productive forces in line with local conditions. This year’s government work report also proposed for the first time to vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and speed up the development of new-quality productive forces. Last year, China’s new exports of electric vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products exceeded trillion yuan, an increase of nearly 30 percent over the same period last year; the development of the digital economy was accelerated, and the penetration rate of 5G users exceeded 50 percent. The number of international patent applications submitted by Chinese applicants through the Patent Cooperation Treaty ranked first in the world for four consecutive years. New quality productivity has been formed in practice and has shown a strong driving force and supporting force for high-quality development.

Wang Wenbin said: the new measure of opening up to the outside world at a high level shows China’s determination to share opportunities with the world. The government work report proposes to open wider to the outside world at a high level and promote mutual benefit and win-win results. China will take the initiative to dovetail with high-standard international economic and trade rules, steadily expand institutional opening up, promote a stable increase in the quality and quantity of foreign trade, step up efforts to attract foreign investment, promote high-quality co-construction, Belt and Road Initiative, and deepen multilateral, bilateral and regional economic cooperation. In January this year, 4588 new foreign-invested enterprises were established in China, an increase of 744 per cent over the same period last year. According to the latest survey of the German Chamber of Commerce in China, 91% of German enterprises will continue to take root in the Chinese market. The American Chamber of Commerce in South China reported that 76% of the companies surveyed planned to reinvest in China this year. More and more multinational companies realize that to invest in China is to invest in the future.

The blueprint has been drawn and the trumpet has been sounded. We have the confidence, conditions and ability to achieve the goals and tasks of economic and social development for the whole year. Wang Wenbin said: China’s economy is getting bigger and bigger, its muscles and bones are getting stronger and stronger, and it will certainly ride out the storm and look forward to the future.

Putin_ Ukrainian troops attack Russia in an attempt to disrupt Russian presidential election vote

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Moscow, March 15th Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the 15th that the Ukraine army has tried repeatedly to attack Russia in recent days without success. The Ukrainian army has tried to disrupt the Russian presidential election vote through attacks.

When Putin held a video meeting with members of the Russian Security Council that day, he said that from the 12th to the present, Uzbekistan has mainly used special forces, foreign mercenaries and Ukrainian military support forces to repeatedly attempt to enter Russian territory and create many sabotage and terrorist attacks. Four of them occurred in the direction of Belgorod and one occurred in the direction of Kursk.

Putin said that the Ukrainian army used more than 2500 people, 35 tanks and 40 armored vehicles for this purpose, but it was unsuccessful and as a result, it lost 60% of its personnel and more than 50% of its armored equipment.

He also stressed that the Ukrainian army’s above-mentioned actions are meaningless from a military perspective and criminal from a humanitarian perspective. The purpose is to disrupt the Russian presidential election voting process and intimidate Russian civilians in the area bordering Ukraine.

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a notice on the 15th, saying that from the 12th to the 14th, the Russian armed forces, together with the border defense department of the Russian Federal Security Service, thwarted Ukrainian armed men’s incursion into the territory of the Russian Belgorod and Kursk Oblast. Uzbekistan lost more than 1500 soldiers in the operation, of which about 500 were killed, and 18 tanks and 23 armored vehicles were destroyed.

The official voting for the 2024 Russian presidential election will be held from the 15th to the 17th. According to the Russian president, Putin participated in the presidential election voting online on the 15th. (Reporter Huang He)

European Council decides to launch accession negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Brussels, March 21 (Reporters Fu Yiming and Zhang Zhaoqing) European Council President Michel announced on the 21st that the European Council decided on the same day to start negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the EU.

The EU summit was held in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, that day. Michel said on social media that night that the European Council had just decided to start accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The decision was a key step for Bosnia and Herzegovina on the road to joining the EU, but Bosnia and Herzegovina still needs to continue its efforts.

Bosnia and Herzegovina submitted its application to join the European Union in February 2016, and the European Council decided in December 2022 to grant Bosnia and Herzegovina candidate membership status in the European Union. On the 12th of this month, the European Commission recommended that the Council of the European Union launch accession negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Before the formal launch of accession negotiations, some procedures still need to be gone through within the EU. The process of accession negotiations generally lasts for several years.

An oil_carrying barge crashed into a bridge in Texas_ USA

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Houston, May 15 (Reporter Xu Jianmei) The municipal authority of Galveston, an island city in eastern Texas, said on the 15th that a barge hit a local bridge that day, causing a fuel leak and damage to the bridge.

The bridge involved was the only land route to Pelican Island north of Galveston. David Flores, head of bridge affairs for the Galveston County Navigation District, said that due to strong water and high waves, a tugboat from Texas International Port lost control of two refueling barges it was driving, one of which hit the bridge pillar.

Aerial footage showed that part of the bridge pillars collapsed, and large pieces of broken concrete and rail fragments hung on one side of the bridge and fell onto the barge.

After the accident, the bridge, which was opened in 1960, was closed. Galveston City Authority said in a statement that no injuries had been reported. The accident caused a fuel leak in the Gulf of Mexico, and the U.S. Coast Guard will determine the extent of the leak and initiate control and cleanup procedures.

Galveston County spokesman Spencer Lewis said the barge could carry 30,000 gallons of oil (about 113.55 million liters). It was unclear how much leaked into the bay. About 105 kilometers of waterways around the incident were closed.

Texas A & M University at Galveston on Pelican Island said the accident caused a brief power outage at the school and power has now been restored.

According to US media reports, American ship collisions with bridges have occurred frequently in the past few months. On March 26, a container cargo ship crashed into a bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, in the eastern United States and collapsed, killing six people. On April 12 and 13 on the Ohio River near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 26 inland river barges separated from their moorings due to floods and drifted uncontrollably, when one hit a bridge that had been closed. On May 9, a large barge broke loose from a tugboat on the Mississippi River flowing through Iowa and sank after hitting the nearly century-old Fort Madison Bridge.

Six people died in Thailand hotel_ police initially determined it was murder_ and the time of death exceeded 24 hours

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On the evening of the 16th local time, Thai Prime Minister Saita arrived at the hotel involved in the death of Vietnamese citizens and revealed at the on-site press conference that according to preliminary police judgment, the six people died more than 24 hours.

Thai police said at a press conference that there were no signs of struggle at the scene and the room was locked from the inside. It was initially speculated that it was murder and further investigation was being carried out.

At the press conference, a reporter asked whether the deceased had been poisoned to death. The police said that the specific cause of death could not be determined after further autopsy.

On the 16th, Thai police found six bodies in a luxury hotel in downtown Bangkok. The dead were six Vietnamese, two of whom held American citizenship. At the beginning of the incident, several Thai media reported that the deceased died in the shooting incident. Later, it was reported that the cause of death was suspected to be cyanide poisoning. However, at the press conference, the police did not make a clear announcement on the cause of death.

Biden and Trump lock in nominations for U.S. presidential candidates from both parties_ China responds

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On March 13, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin held a regular press conference.

Asked by an AFP reporter, according to media reports, US President Biden and former President Trump both won enough party representative votes in the latest round of primary elections held yesterday to lock in two presidential candidates for this year’s election. Given that China is one of the main topics of concern to American voters, what is China’s comment on the U.S. presidential nominations from both parties?

Wang Wenbin said that the U.S. election is an internal affair of the United States. China has always adhered to the principle of non-interference in other countries ‘internal affairs and will not interfere in the U.S. election.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that developing good Sino-US relations is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples and is also the general expectation of the international community. No matter who is elected as the next US president, we all hope that the US can move towards China and promote the development of Sino-US relations in a stable, healthy and sustainable direction in accordance with the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. It will benefit both countries and the world. (Reporter Liu Liu)

Russia and Uzbekistan each hand over 95 detained military personnel to each other

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Moscow, July 17 (Reporter Jiang Youlin) The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 17th that Russia and Ukraine each handed over 95 detainees to each other that day.

The Russian Defense Ministry said on social media that after negotiations, 95 detained Russian personnel returned from Uzbekistan-controlled areas. In exchange, Russia handed over 95 Ukrainian military personnel to Uzbekistan. The released Russian personnel will be sent to Moscow for treatment.

Ukraine President Zelensky also posted on social media on the 17th that 95 detained Ukrainian military personnel were released from Russia that day.

Since March 2022, Russia and Uzbekistan have exchanged detained persons many times. According to the latest data provided by Uzbekistan’s department responsible for coordinating detained persons, a total of 3405 people have been released so far. (Participating reporter: Li Dongxu)

US media_ Musk wants to donate _staggering_ huge sum to support Trump

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According to a report by the Wall Street Journal on July 15, people familiar with the matter revealed that business tycoon Elon Musk said he plans to donate about $45 million a month to a new super political action committee that supports former President Trump.

Reported that other supporters of the newly established U.S. Political Action Committee include Palantil technology co-founder Joe Lonsdale, the Winkleworth brothers, former U.S. ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft and her husband Joe Craft.

According to a person familiar with the matter, the political action committee, established in June, is mainly responsible for registering voters, persuading voters to vote as soon as possible, and requiring ballots to be mailed in swing states.

Musk is currently the richest man in the world, with an estimated wealth of more than US$250 billion. But the amount of donations he said was also staggering.

According to reports, the largest known campaign donation in 2024 to date is $50 million, donated by the great-grandson of banker Thomas Mellon to support one of Trump’s super political action committees.

According to documents submitted on the 15th, as of June 30, the U.S. Political Action Committee received a total of US$8.75 million in donations. A person familiar with the matter said Musk said he plans to start donating in July.

The report also said that Musk officially expressed support for Trump shortly after the shooting. He posted on social platform X: The last time a presidential candidate encountered such a severe test was Theodore Roosevelt. (Compiled by Pan Xiaoyan)

Ukraine launches intensive cross_border attacks with the intention of _influencing the Russian presidential election._

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According to a report by NBC News on March 12, Russia suffered a wave of attacks on the 12th. Ukraine drones hit deep targets in Russia from the air. Anti-Russian armed groups said they launched cross-border ground attacks.

Reported that this wave of attacks shows that Kiev has the ability and determination to bring war to the territory of neighboring countries.

The report also said that the attack occurred a few days before Russia’s presidential election, in which Putin is widely expected to win.

The Kremlin said it had successfully repelled the attempted invasion. Neither side’s claims could be confirmed.

The Russian Defense Ministry said earlier on the 12th that it had intercepted 25 drones in at least seven areas, one of the most extensive air strikes carried out by Ukraine in recent months. In recent months, Ukraine has increasingly used drones to strike energy facilities deep into Russia’s rear.

The report mentioned that Russia will hold a three-day general election vote starting on the 15th. The attack on the 12th will be seen as an unwelcome interference.

According to a Reuters report on March 12, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that the Ukraine terrorist formation, supported by tanks and armored fighting vehicles, tried to invade Russia’s Belgorod region from three different directions in the early morning of the 12th.

About five hours later, the Russian Defense Ministry said it repelled four other attacks by Ukraine sabotage and reconnaissance teams in Russia’s Kursk region.

According to Agence France-Presse reported on March 12, Russia temporarily closed schools in the city of Kursk near the border with Ukraine on the 12th after pro-Kiev militia launched cross-border attacks and drone attacks increased in Ukraine.

The news that schools would remain closed until the weekend came after Moscow announced that it had deployed fighter jets, rockets and artillery to fend off a Ukraine attack on its territory.

Kursk Mayor Igor Kuchak said on social media: In view of recent events, I decided to switch the school to distance learning. He also said the measure would last until Friday. (Compiled by Guo Jun and Qiu Fang)