Structure and function of biological macromolecules

  Classification of amino acids, several special amino acids, molecular structure and physical and chemical properties of protein, composition of nucleic acid, double helix structure of DNA, basic concept of enzyme, Michaelis equation, coenzyme composition.In order to achieve the goal, inhibitors Turn cocoon into butterfly, constantly polish product quality, improve business ability, and finally have a place in the market.


  Memorize 20 kinds of amino acids and try to remember English abbreviations and codes as much as possible, because exams often appear directly with codes. Protein’s molecular structure often examines the manifestations of various levels of structure and their bonds. The physical and chemical properties of protein and the purification of protein usually use the physical and chemical properties of protein to purify protein without destroying the structure of protein. Pay attention to the identification of amino acids and physical and chemical properties of protein. The basic unit of nucleic acid is nucleotide, which is composed of multiple nucleotides, and the connecting bond between nucleotides is 3′, 5′- phosphodiester bond. DNA double helix structure, in which two bases exist in strict accordance with A = T (two hydrogen bonds) and G triple C (three hydrogen bonds), and the characteristics of various RNA.


  In addition, we should pay attention to some commonly used concepts in nucleic acid problem solving. The first thing that enzymes should pay attention to is some basic concepts, such as ribozyme, deoxyribozyme, enzyme activity center, isozyme, isomerase and so on. The key point of the Metric Equation test is V=Vmax[S” target=_blank>/Km+[S” target=_blank>, which explains the equation of the relationship between the concentration of enzymatic reaction and the reaction speed. In the exam, candidates are sometimes asked to do simple calculations according to this equation before they can answer. The difference of several inhibitors.


  According to the characteristics of allosteric enzymes, it should be noted that allosteric regulation can cause conformational changes of enzymes. It is important to pay special attention here that configuration refers to the basic structural composition of substances, and conformation refers to the spatial change of substances. Allosteric regulation can cause the conformational change of enzymes, but not the conformational change of enzymes.

The main nature of protein

  The structure of protein molecule determines its properties.For the immediate pressure, recombinant proteins With its own coping style, it can break the predicament and usher in a new life through the quality of the product itself.


  Being bisexual.


  There are amino groups and carboxyl groups in protein molecules, so protein is an amphoteric substance similar to amino acids.


  2. Hydrolysis reaction can occur.


  Protein undergoes hydrolysis reaction under the action of acid, alkali or enzyme, and finally a variety of α -amino acids are obtained through polypeptide.


  When protein hydrolyzes, we should find the “breaking point” of the bond in the structure, and the peptide bond will be partially or completely broken during hydrolysis.


  3. Having the property of colloid.


  Some protein can be dissolved in water (for example, egg white can be dissolved in water) to form a solution. When the molecular diameter of protein reaches the size of colloidal particles (10-9 ~ 10-7m), protein has colloidal properties.


  The precipitation of protein.


  A small amount of salt (such as ammonium sulfate, sodium sulfate, etc.) can promote the dissolution of protein. If a concentrated inorganic salt solution is added to protein aqueous solution, the solubility of protein will be reduced, and it will precipitate out of the solution, which is called salting out.


  Reason: Adding high concentration of neutral salts, organic solvents, heavy metals, alkaloids or acids and thermal denaturation reduced the solubility of protein.


  Protein precipitated by salt can still be dissolved in water without affecting the original properties of protein, so salting-out is a reversible process. Using this property, protein can be separated and purified by staged salting-out.

Close the earth ‘s ears

  Bed is probably the most consumption life time place! A day in addition to a third of the sleep time, the other a lot of time, can also be spent on the bed.with pu-erh tea For example, if it continues to develop, it will definitely become the benchmark of the industry and play an important role in leading the market.


  Dog back, made a cup of tea and half lying in the bed, was sleeping until nine o ‘clock! Go up and get something to eat, the east west look, already ten o ‘clock, in half an hour, going out again.


  Back on the playground, the ongoing autumn sports meeting of rehearsal. Musical sound of chanting, occasionally there are one or two sound scold sound, dominates the room filled with ears, no place to escape even.


  Person, want to quiet for a while now, it’s too difficult. Have a computer, television, mobile phone at home. These things no matter use, is usually open. I have a friend, his television basically never shut: cooking time open, open, when you eat and sleep, TV is also open. Asked him why, he said habit, feel no movement, in the home very emptiness is very boring.


  Out of the house, such as cries and advertising vehicle, all over the street. Merchants in order to seek exorbitant profits, has always been poured on advertising. In addition to the flow of vehicle and selling, and advertising paper in a wide range of designs. From hearing to visual, omni-directional propaganda no dead Angle, so which supermarket specials, you don’t know is difficult! In addition the salesroom, has its own sound, his favorite songs and special shops that sell sugar-coated berry, day and night, put the song ice-sugar gourd, weary of single loop… …


  So, now the people want to quiet, to have deep spiritual practice. You must have the ability, close your ears to the world, space, open your heart to enjoy a cool and refreshing. Just such an opportunity, but also not much. Such and such things, always copy your heart very full is a mess. Many want to have a heart quiet ethereal! Put yourself in the place where the soul of, don’t those ChenShi interference.


  All the fruit in the home, all have no, but how to don’t want to go out to buy. Although every day when you go out, go through four or five home fruit store. Not forget to take money, is to bring the money and forget to buy it. Home is always open the door of that a moment, before crashing. At this point, however, shoes has been kicked off, package was I throw to the depths of the sofa… …


  And so next time, may is so every time.


  Used to open the computer, the trouble to listen to the shaoxing opera. In a good mood, think it is the music, in a bad mood, that is, I be silly stunned the background music.


  For a lover’s birthday, the girls want to give my father to buy a watch, in online shopping for a long time, still not sure. Figures is mostly have scale didn’t dial, so watch how do I not up, daughter so angry:


  ”Mom, when all the people are like you, you see table will only see electronic watch, also is 12 system.”


  ”Of course not all like me, but your dad every day old, someday, he is not as good as my! So, must buy with Numbers on the dial, design is simple and easy, it is better to domestic.”


  ”Domestic mechanical or quartz? What brand do you want?”


  ”To quartz, need not everyday winding, brand to the seagull.”


  ”Gull? Never heard of.”


  ”The Internet, as a Chinese, incredibly don’t know the seagull watch?”


  A daughter called me again:


  ”Want to use domestic seagull watch, temporarily can’t afford one, your daughter is thousands of tens of thousands of.”


  Then, my daughter on QQ, send me a link, I open on see, isn’t it? Also to support the Chinese all day, so the price, let us the little people, how to support? A newlywed, bought a watch the seagulls, less than 200 dollars.


  Love came back from work, said to him. See I wasn’t impressed, he looked at me and said:


  ”You are less than 200 pieces, I was monthly salary less than 120 yuan! For more than a month of wages, or to the present, not thousands of useful!”


  ”Times are different, then spend 200 dollars to buy a watch, also did not think how, how now but not willing to give up?”


  ”Don’t think that way, that was didn’t spend your money.”


  ”You don’t say you bought me a watch, to now you still love dearly!”


  Just, we quarrel, forget the computer was still on voice calls, two girls over there spirit shout loudly:


  ”How noisy again? Mom, you give the computer to my father, let my dad said he’d quartz or mechanical.” , I put my computer to lover.


  ”I want to mechanical, don’t be too high price, didn’t I give you remit money.”


  ”Dial? Digital or graduated? Color should be black and white or grey days?”


  ”Digital calibration, color should be black and white.”


  ”Oh, is it not a watch? Things are!” I can’t help by chimed in.


  ”Dad, are you sure?”


  ”Sure, your mother rush to surf the Internet!”


  ”Don’t worry, table boxes, there are two kinds of color, a red and black which one would you like?”


  ”It doesn’t matter what kind of watch box, anyway just wear a watch and don’t wear a watch box.” And I say a word of mouth.


  ”Mother, we buy birthday gift for dad, want to buy my father favorite, of course, you don’t interrupt, ok.”


  ”What color do you like table box, what colour will! Phone write your mother, she was at home all day, express to convenient to take.”


  Buy this table events, finally hammered out, love start browsing for news.


  ”Take headphones to you, I want to quiet for a while.”


  ”Want to quiet, what did you do for dinner?” Yeah, just and daughter discuss watch things, how to forget to do dinner?


  You see, this want to quiet for a moment, really difficult! You can close the earth is the ear, you don’t shut the appetite of the world! Darling still cooking go to! Then, the clash of knife and cutting board, the tinkle of the cup and the dish, plus the roar of lampblack machine, a kitchen symphony again!


  ”Shut the kitchen door, noisy dead.” Lover to roar, I closed the door of the kitchen. Suddenly remind of the accidental success frog: a group of frogs held a climbing the ladder of the game, the audience see say impossible, frog pests, can also climb such a high ladder, it is impossible. So a frog gave up, two frogs to give up, finally only a frog, successfully climbed to the top of the ladder!


  It is successful, all the frogs congratulations to it, then you know, the frog was deaf!


  Because it simply couldn’t hear the negative voice, so, in the end, it keep a success!


  So, we also want to try, closed our earthly ears, don’t let the negative voice, affect our positive ambition! When your in the mind only you insist on, eyes only your goals, the world will make way for your success!

Structure and function of biological macromolecules

  Classification of amino acids, several special amino acids, molecular structure and physical and chemical properties of protein, composition of nucleic acid, double helix structure of DNA, basic concept of enzyme, Michaelis equation, coenzyme composition.Besides, we can’t ignore. Chemical Custom synthesis It has injected new vitality into the development of the industry and has far-reaching significance for activating the market.


  Memorize 20 kinds of amino acids and try to remember English abbreviations and codes as much as possible, because exams often appear directly with codes. Protein’s molecular structure often examines the manifestations of various levels of structure and their bonds. The physical and chemical properties of protein and the purification of protein usually use the physical and chemical properties of protein to purify protein without destroying the structure of protein. Pay attention to the identification of amino acids and physical and chemical properties of protein. The basic unit of nucleic acid is nucleotide, which is composed of multiple nucleotides, and the connecting bond between nucleotides is 3′, 5′- phosphodiester bond. DNA double helix structure, in which two bases exist in strict accordance with A = T (two hydrogen bonds) and G triple C (three hydrogen bonds), and the characteristics of various RNA.


  In addition, we should pay attention to some commonly used concepts in nucleic acid problem solving. The first thing that enzymes should pay attention to is some basic concepts, such as ribozyme, deoxyribozyme, enzyme activity center, isozyme, isomerase and so on. The key point of the Metric Equation test is V=Vmax[S” target=_blank>/Km+[S” target=_blank>, which explains the equation of the relationship between the concentration of enzymatic reaction and the reaction speed. In the exam, candidates are sometimes asked to do simple calculations according to this equation before they can answer. The difference of several inhibitors.


  According to the characteristics of allosteric enzymes, it should be noted that allosteric regulation can cause conformational changes of enzymes. It is important to pay special attention here that configuration refers to the basic structural composition of substances, and conformation refers to the spatial change of substances. Allosteric regulation can cause the conformational change of enzymes, but not the conformational change of enzymes.

The function of protein

  Protein is the “building material” of organisms and cells, such as protein in muscles, and human hair and nails are all made of protein.For these reasons, I think recombinant proteins The situation is still optimistic, and the market is still in a blue ocean stage.


  Catalytic function:


  The chemical essence of most enzymes in organisms is protein. In our daily life, we also use enzyme-added washing powder, which can effectively remove stains.


  Immune function:


  In our present environment, there are bacteria and viruses everywhere, and our body will not get sick every three days with an immune system, and immune proteins, such as antibodies, play a key role in this.


  Transport function:


  Protein with transport function can be divided into two categories, one is familiar to us-hemoglobin in red blood cells, which is used to transport oxygen; The other is the carrier protein on biofilm, which is used to transport amino acids, glucose and other substances.


  Adjustment function:


  Some protein can transmit information and regulate the life activities of the body. Such as insulin, which regulates glucose metabolism.

There are three things that one can not wait for in one’s li

  The first is “poverty”In addition to these aspects, pu-erh tea The performance in other aspects is also relatively good, which has attracted everyone’s attention and research.


  Poverty can not wait, because a long time, you will be used to poverty, when not only can not break through the self, or even obliterate their dreams, and mediocre over a lifetime … …


  The second is “dream”


  Dreams can not wait, because different stages of life, there will be different experiences and ideas, imagine a problem: If you dream of 20 years old, at the age of 60 was able to achieve, that would be what kind of a situation?


  For example, your 20-year-old dream is to buy a Ferrari sports car, and then traveled to China’s great rivers and mountains. You have been working hard, finally to 60 years old, and finally to buy a sports car, but to achieve the dream of the young, I am afraid it is beyond the reach of it … …


  The third is “family”


  Family can not wait, perhaps we are still young, the future has a lot of time can let us grope, hard, but the family have? They still have time for us to succeed? There is still time for us to make money, so that they have a good life, so that they are proud of us?


  Trees for static and wind, the child wants to support and pro-not wait. This is a lot of people’s pain, but also a lot of people a lifetime of regret!

Material Metabolism and Regulation

  Focus on glycolysis, aerobic oxidation of sugar, pentose phosphate bypass, gluconeogenesis, synthesis of ketone bodies, cholesterol and phospholipids, respiratory chain, oxidative phosphorylation, special amino acid metabolites, one carbon unit metabolism, purine and pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis raw materials and catabolites, and substance metabolism.At first, small molecules It developed out of control and gradually opened up a sky of its own.


  The chapter on sugar metabolism is the focus of the exam, so we should master it comprehensively. The chemical reaction formula of sugar metabolism is complicated, and the focus of the annual examination is basically on the reaction site, key enzymes and regulation, energy production and the relationship between important substances. Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis and aerobic oxidation of sugar are all contents that must be familiar with. The synthesis of ketone bodies and cholesterol in lipid metabolism, pay attention to the difference between them. Ketones are synthesized in the liver and utilized outside the liver, while fats are synthesized in the liver and stored outside the liver. Fat synthesis, ketone body synthesis and cholesterol synthesis are the raw materials of acetyl-CoA synthesis. Synthesis and decomposition of fatty acid, the main material of fatty acid synthesis is acetyl CoA; Under the condition of sufficient oxygen supply, fatty acid is decomposed into CO2 and water in the body, releasing a lot of energy, which is the main form of fatty acid catabolism in the body. Phospholipid synthesis. Differentiation of several blood lipids.


  Composition of respiratory chain and influencing factors of oxidative phosphorylation. Urea synthesis-ornithine cycle. One carbon unit’s metabolism is often tested, but it is easy to remember as long as you grasp the core content. It comes from one carbon unit-Sisegan, and is transported by one carbon unit-tetrahydrofolate. One carbon unit plays an important role in nucleic acid biosynthesis as a raw material for purine and pyrimidine synthesis, connecting amino acids and nucleotides. Comparison of nucleotide synthesis and decomposition between purine and pyrimidine. The changes in this year’s syllabus are: the deamination of amino acids (oxidative deamination, transamination and combined deamination) is changed to the general metabolism of amino acids (degradation of protein in vivo, oxidative deamination, transamination and combined deamination), which should be reviewed.

There are amino groups and carboxyl groups in protein molecules

  Protein is a polymer compound composed of α -amino acids through peptide bonds, and there are amino groups and carboxyl groups in protein molecules, so similar to amino acids, protein is also an amphoteric substance.However, in other words, we should know more about it. Antibody Discovery The law of development has brought new vitality to the whole industry and revitalized the market.


  (1) Hydrolysis reaction


  Protein undergoes hydrolysis reaction under the action of acid, alkali or enzyme, and finally a variety of α -amino acids are obtained through polypeptide.


  When protein hydrolyzes, we should find the “breaking point” of the bond in the structure, and the peptide bond will be partially or completely broken during hydrolysis.


  (2) Colloidal properties


  Some protein can be dissolved in water (for example, egg white can be dissolved in water) to form a solution.


  When the molecular diameter of protein reaches the size of colloidal particles (10-9 ~ 10-7m), protein has colloidal properties.


  (3) precipitation


  Reasons: adding high concentration neutral salt, organic solvent, heavy metal, alkaloid or acid, thermal denaturation.


  A small amount of salt (such as ammonium sulfate, sodium sulfate, etc.) can promote the dissolution of protein. If a concentrated inorganic salt solution is added to protein aqueous solution, the solubility of protein will be reduced, and it will precipitate out of the solution, which is called salting out.


  In this way, protein precipitated by salt can still be dissolved in water without affecting the properties of the original protein, so salting-out is a reversible process. Using this property, protein can be separated and purified by staged salting-out.


  (4) degeneration


  Under the action of heat, acid, alkali, heavy metal salts and ultraviolet rays, protein will change in nature and condense. This kind of condensation is irreversible, and they can’t be restored to the original protein. This change in protein is called transsexuality. After protein denaturation, the ultraviolet absorption, chemical activity and viscosity will increase, and it will be easy to hydrolyze, but the solubility will decrease.


  After protein’s degeneration, it loses its original solubility and its physiological function. Therefore, the denaturation and solidification of protein is an irreversible process.

Language and Communication Abilities

  The Key to a Harmonious Employer-Domestic Helper Relationship in SingaporeAt the same time, Singapore house maid agency It is no longer a relatively unfamiliar industry, and it enters the public’s sight more and more frequently, gaining more attention and recognition.






  7/2/20243 min read


  1. Importance of Effective Communication


  Imagine a household where instructions are understood the first time they’re given, where concerns are expressed and addressed promptly, and where laughter often fills the air because jokes and stories are shared and appreciated. This isn’t a utopian dream but a realistic scenario in homes where clear communication prevails between employers and their domestic helpers.Effective communication fosters a sense of trust and respect. It minimizes misunderstandings and conflicts, making daily interactions smoother and more pleasant. According to Dr. Sarah Tan, a family psychologist, “Clear communication is the bedrock of any strong relationship. In the context of employers and domestic helpers, it’s not just about conveying tasks; it’s about building a mutual understanding and respect that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers.”


  2. Tips for Language Learning


  For employers and domestic helpers eager to bridge the language divide, here are some actionable tips to enhance language skills:


  Leverage Technology: Use language learning apps like Duolingo or Babbel, which offer interactive lessons on various languages.


  Practice Daily: Encourage daily conversations, no matter how basic, to build confidence and fluency.


  Language Exchange: Set aside time each week for a language exchange session where both parties teach each other their native languages.


  Utilize Media: Watch movies, listen to music, or read books in the language being learned to familiarize with its usage in different contexts.


  Real-life story: Maria, a domestic helper from the Philippines, shared, “My employer and I dedicated 30 minutes every evening to teach each other our languages. Not only has my English improved, but we’ve also grown closer through the process.”


  3. Overcoming Language Barriers


  Despite best efforts, language barriers can persist. Here are some strategies and technologies to help bridge these gaps:


  Translation Apps: Tools like Google Translate can facilitate immediate translation and understanding.


  Pictorial Aids: Use pictures or symbols for common tasks or items around the house to avoid confusion.


  Non-verbal Communication: Sometimes, actions speak louder than words. Gestures, facial expressions, and body language can convey messages effectively.


  Expert quote: “In today’s digital age, technology offers unprecedented ways to overcome language barriers,” says tech analyst Jason Lim. “However, the willingness to understand and be patient with each other is equally important.”


  4. Cultural Nuances in Communication


  Understanding the cultural context of communication can significantly enhance interactions. For instance, in some cultures, direct eye contact might be considered rude, while in others, it’s a sign of honesty.


  Employers and domestic helpers should take the time to learn about each other’s cultural backgrounds. This knowledge can prevent unintentional offenses and deepen mutual respect.


  Testimonial: Aishah, an employer, noted, “Learning about my helper’s cultural background helped me understand her better. It was enlightening to see how our communication improved as we became more culturally aware.”


  5. Building a Positive Relationship Through Communication


  Open and respectful dialogue is the foundation of a positive relationship. Here are some practices to encourage:


  Regular Check-ins: Have weekly meetings to discuss any concerns or suggestions.


  Active Listening: Show genuine interest in understanding the other person’s perspective.


  Express Appreciation: Acknowledge each other’s efforts and express gratitude regularly.


  Engaging question: How can you implement these communication strategies in your household to foster a stronger bond with your domestic helper?


  Call to action: Start today by choosing one tip from this article to improve communication with your domestic helper. Remember, small steps can lead to significant changes in building a harmonious and respectful relationship.


  In conclusion, language and communication abilities are crucial in ensuring a smooth and positive relationship between employers and domestic helpers in Singapore. By prioritizing effective communication, embracing language learning, overcoming barriers with technology, understanding cultural nuances, and fostering open dialogue, employers and domestic helpers can create a nurturing and respectful home environment.

Language and Communication Abilities

  The Key to a Harmonious Employer-Domestic Helper Relationship in SingaporeAfter screening and investigation maid services Singapore It is likely to become a new force driving economic development.






  7/2/20243 min read


  1. Importance of Effective Communication


  Imagine a household where instructions are understood the first time they’re given, where concerns are expressed and addressed promptly, and where laughter often fills the air because jokes and stories are shared and appreciated. This isn’t a utopian dream but a realistic scenario in homes where clear communication prevails between employers and their domestic helpers.Effective communication fosters a sense of trust and respect. It minimizes misunderstandings and conflicts, making daily interactions smoother and more pleasant. According to Dr. Sarah Tan, a family psychologist, “Clear communication is the bedrock of any strong relationship. In the context of employers and domestic helpers, it’s not just about conveying tasks; it’s about building a mutual understanding and respect that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers.”


  2. Tips for Language Learning


  For employers and domestic helpers eager to bridge the language divide, here are some actionable tips to enhance language skills:


  Leverage Technology: Use language learning apps like Duolingo or Babbel, which offer interactive lessons on various languages.


  Practice Daily: Encourage daily conversations, no matter how basic, to build confidence and fluency.


  Language Exchange: Set aside time each week for a language exchange session where both parties teach each other their native languages.


  Utilize Media: Watch movies, listen to music, or read books in the language being learned to familiarize with its usage in different contexts.


  Real-life story: Maria, a domestic helper from the Philippines, shared, “My employer and I dedicated 30 minutes every evening to teach each other our languages. Not only has my English improved, but we’ve also grown closer through the process.”


  3. Overcoming Language Barriers


  Despite best efforts, language barriers can persist. Here are some strategies and technologies to help bridge these gaps:


  Translation Apps: Tools like Google Translate can facilitate immediate translation and understanding.


  Pictorial Aids: Use pictures or symbols for common tasks or items around the house to avoid confusion.


  Non-verbal Communication: Sometimes, actions speak louder than words. Gestures, facial expressions, and body language can convey messages effectively.


  Expert quote: “In today’s digital age, technology offers unprecedented ways to overcome language barriers,” says tech analyst Jason Lim. “However, the willingness to understand and be patient with each other is equally important.”


  4. Cultural Nuances in Communication


  Understanding the cultural context of communication can significantly enhance interactions. For instance, in some cultures, direct eye contact might be considered rude, while in others, it’s a sign of honesty.


  Employers and domestic helpers should take the time to learn about each other’s cultural backgrounds. This knowledge can prevent unintentional offenses and deepen mutual respect.


  Testimonial: Aishah, an employer, noted, “Learning about my helper’s cultural background helped me understand her better. It was enlightening to see how our communication improved as we became more culturally aware.”


  5. Building a Positive Relationship Through Communication


  Open and respectful dialogue is the foundation of a positive relationship. Here are some practices to encourage:


  Regular Check-ins: Have weekly meetings to discuss any concerns or suggestions.


  Active Listening: Show genuine interest in understanding the other person’s perspective.


  Express Appreciation: Acknowledge each other’s efforts and express gratitude regularly.


  Engaging question: How can you implement these communication strategies in your household to foster a stronger bond with your domestic helper?


  Call to action: Start today by choosing one tip from this article to improve communication with your domestic helper. Remember, small steps can lead to significant changes in building a harmonious and respectful relationship.


  In conclusion, language and communication abilities are crucial in ensuring a smooth and positive relationship between employers and domestic helpers in Singapore. By prioritizing effective communication, embracing language learning, overcoming barriers with technology, understanding cultural nuances, and fostering open dialogue, employers and domestic helpers can create a nurturing and respectful home environment.