Russia and Uzbekistan each hand over 95 detained military personnel to each other

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Moscow, July 17 (Reporter Jiang Youlin) The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 17th that Russia and Ukraine each handed over 95 detainees to each other that day.

The Russian Defense Ministry said on social media that after negotiations, 95 detained Russian personnel returned from Uzbekistan-controlled areas. In exchange, Russia handed over 95 Ukrainian military personnel to Uzbekistan. The released Russian personnel will be sent to Moscow for treatment.

Ukraine President Zelensky also posted on social media on the 17th that 95 detained Ukrainian military personnel were released from Russia that day.

Since March 2022, Russia and Uzbekistan have exchanged detained persons many times. According to the latest data provided by Uzbekistan’s department responsible for coordinating detained persons, a total of 3405 people have been released so far. (Participating reporter: Li Dongxu)

US media_ Musk wants to donate _staggering_ huge sum to support Trump

However, in other words, we should know more about it. 電子煙主機 The law of development has brought new vitality to the whole industry and revitalized the market.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal on July 15, people familiar with the matter revealed that business tycoon Elon Musk said he plans to donate about $45 million a month to a new super political action committee that supports former President Trump.

Reported that other supporters of the newly established U.S. Political Action Committee include Palantil technology co-founder Joe Lonsdale, the Winkleworth brothers, former U.S. ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft and her husband Joe Craft.

According to a person familiar with the matter, the political action committee, established in June, is mainly responsible for registering voters, persuading voters to vote as soon as possible, and requiring ballots to be mailed in swing states.

Musk is currently the richest man in the world, with an estimated wealth of more than US$250 billion. But the amount of donations he said was also staggering.

According to reports, the largest known campaign donation in 2024 to date is $50 million, donated by the great-grandson of banker Thomas Mellon to support one of Trump’s super political action committees.

According to documents submitted on the 15th, as of June 30, the U.S. Political Action Committee received a total of US$8.75 million in donations. A person familiar with the matter said Musk said he plans to start donating in July.

The report also said that Musk officially expressed support for Trump shortly after the shooting. He posted on social platform X: The last time a presidential candidate encountered such a severe test was Theodore Roosevelt. (Compiled by Pan Xiaoyan)

Ukraine launches intensive cross_border attacks with the intention of _influencing the Russian presidential election._

In addition to innate advantages, 電子煙主機 Its own product attributes are also extremely high-end, in order to remain unbeaten in the market competition.

According to a report by NBC News on March 12, Russia suffered a wave of attacks on the 12th. Ukraine drones hit deep targets in Russia from the air. Anti-Russian armed groups said they launched cross-border ground attacks.

Reported that this wave of attacks shows that Kiev has the ability and determination to bring war to the territory of neighboring countries.

The report also said that the attack occurred a few days before Russia’s presidential election, in which Putin is widely expected to win.

The Kremlin said it had successfully repelled the attempted invasion. Neither side’s claims could be confirmed.

The Russian Defense Ministry said earlier on the 12th that it had intercepted 25 drones in at least seven areas, one of the most extensive air strikes carried out by Ukraine in recent months. In recent months, Ukraine has increasingly used drones to strike energy facilities deep into Russia’s rear.

The report mentioned that Russia will hold a three-day general election vote starting on the 15th. The attack on the 12th will be seen as an unwelcome interference.

According to a Reuters report on March 12, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that the Ukraine terrorist formation, supported by tanks and armored fighting vehicles, tried to invade Russia’s Belgorod region from three different directions in the early morning of the 12th.

About five hours later, the Russian Defense Ministry said it repelled four other attacks by Ukraine sabotage and reconnaissance teams in Russia’s Kursk region.

According to Agence France-Presse reported on March 12, Russia temporarily closed schools in the city of Kursk near the border with Ukraine on the 12th after pro-Kiev militia launched cross-border attacks and drone attacks increased in Ukraine.

The news that schools would remain closed until the weekend came after Moscow announced that it had deployed fighter jets, rockets and artillery to fend off a Ukraine attack on its territory.

Kursk Mayor Igor Kuchak said on social media: In view of recent events, I decided to switch the school to distance learning. He also said the measure would last until Friday. (Compiled by Guo Jun and Qiu Fang)

The Prime Minister of Slovakia has regained consciousness and is in stable condition

So, 電子煙主機 On the contrary, there is still a lot of room to play.

According to a report by DPA on May 15, Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fizo was seriously injured in an attempted assassination on the 15th. After several hours of surgery, he has regained consciousness.

Reports by Slovakia TA3 TV and Independent Daily on the evening of the 15th did not provide further information on Fizo’s health.

According to official news released on the evening of the 15th, 59-year-old Fizo’s life is in danger.

Reports mentioned that Fizo was shot by a 71-year-old man in the country’s mining town of Handlowa. According to witnesses, the man shot Fizo several times as he greeted supporters after a cabinet meeting.

According to the government, the shooting was politically motivated. Media reports said that the gunman’s wife was also interrogated by the police.

According to a Reuters report on May 15, the gunman who attacked Slovakia Prime Minister Fizo fired five shots in a row, putting him in critical condition and undergoing several hours of surgery.

Slovakia Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment Tomashtaraba told reporters: Fortunately, the operation went smoothly. I think he will survive in the end and is now out of danger.

Taraba also revealed that one bullet penetrated Fizo’s abdomen and another hit a joint.

Slovakia Media A quoted unnamed source as saying that Fizo’s surgery has ended and is currently in stable condition. (Compiled by Guo Jun)

_Insufficient aid fighter jets__ Zelensky issued a _severe warning_ to allies

Down-to-earth right ddos攻击软件 In-depth research is the only way to pursue development.

According to a report by Newsweek on July 15, Ukraine President Zelensky issued a severe warning on the insufficient aid provided by allies to Ukraine for F-16 fighter jets. He said the number of F-16 fighter jets Ukraine received from allies this year was not enough to fight Russia.

Zelensky said at a press conference held in Kiev on the 15th: The decision to hand over F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine is strategic, but their number is not strategic.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken said last week that Ukraine’s NATO allies have begun handing over U.S. -made F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine and announced that the fighters will fly over Ukraine this summer to ensure Ukraine can continue to effectively defend against Russia.

Reported that Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium have promised to provide a total of more than 60 fighter jets to Ukraine this summer. However, Bloomberg News quoted unnamed sources as saying on July 12 that Ukraine may receive far less fighter jets this year than expected to receive only 6 this summer, and may receive 20 by the end of the year.

Zelensky told reporters: I can’t say now how many such aircraft (we) will have. But their numbers are not enough. They will certainly strengthen us, but whether these aircraft are comparable to the Russian aviation fleet is not enough. Do we expect more? Of course!

The report mentioned that on May 29, after Belgium promised to deliver the first batch of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine this year, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov issued a warning to the West. (Compiled by Long Jun)

Russia begins first phase of non_strategic nuclear forces exercise

For these reasons, I think ddos攻击平台 The situation is still optimistic, and the market is still in a blue ocean stage.

Moscow, May 21 (Reporter Huadi) The Russian Ministry of Defense released a message on the 21st that Russia has begun the first phase of non-strategic nuclear forces exercises and is preparing to use non-strategic nuclear weapons for practical exercises.

The news said that according to the instructions of the Supreme Commander of the Russian Federation’s Armed Forces, the Russian Southern Military Region began the first phase of non-strategic nuclear forces exercise under the command of the General Staff Headquarters. The missile formation of the Russian Southern Military Region is practicing how to obtain special ammunition for the Iskander tactical missile system, equip it with missiles, and secretly move it to the launch area to prepare for launch. In addition, the Russian Air Force aviation unit is practicing equipping aviation weapons, including Dagger hypersonic missiles, with special warheads and flying into designated patrol areas.

The Russian Defense Ministry emphasized that this exercise is a response to provocative remarks and threats by Western officials and aims to test the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to perform combat missions and ensure Russia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Chinese Embassy in Japan reminds Chinese citizens in Japan to guard against _minor crimes_

From the demand side, ddos攻击工具 More in line with the psychological expectations of consumers, willing to pay for the things they like.

On May 22, the Chinese Embassy in Japan issued a document reminding Chinese citizens in Japan to guard against minor crimes.

Japan implemented the “Minor Offences Law” in 1948, which stipulates clear penalties for 33 seemingly minor acts but may have adverse effects on public order. Some foreign tourists have been punished for not understanding the relevant laws. The Chinese Embassy in Japan summarized the behaviors that were easily ignored and reminded Chinese citizens in Japan and tourists coming to Japan to take precautions.

1. Unauthorized sneaking into unguarded houses, buildings or ships, or entering prohibited places, other people’s fields, disaster or crime scenes without authorization.

2. Carry without authorization knives, iron bars and other instruments that can harm others or tools that can be used to invade other people’s homes.

3. Refusing to obey the instructions of public officials or rescue personnel in special circumstances such as earthquakes, fires, and traffic accidents.

4. Make a fire in flammable places such as forests or near flammable materials such as gasoline.

5. Post advertisements and notices in other people’s homes without authorization, or remove or deface other people’s logos at will.

6. Declaring that he holds public office, title, degree at home and abroad, or wears legal uniforms or similar clothing that is incompatible with his identity.

7. Playing pranks at public or private ceremonies and hindering the ceremony.

8. Make noise that hinders others and refuse to correct it. Obstructing others from walking normally, or stalking others is disturbing.

9. Jumping in line in public places, being rude in words and deeds, spitting everywhere, and turning off sign lights or street lights for no reason.

10. Throw away garbage and waste at will.

All of the above acts are suspected of violating the “Minor Offences Law” and may be subject to fines, detention and other penalties. Chinese citizens in Japan are requested to abide by Chinese and Japanese laws, respect local religious beliefs and customs, and protect themselves. In case of emergency, report the case to the Japanese police in a timely manner and contact the embassy or consulate in Japan for help.

Japan alarm:110, 03-3501-0110 (Chinese), you can call #9110 overseas

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global Consular Protection and Services Emergency Hotline (24-hour):+86-10-12308,+86-10-65612308

Consular protection and assistance from the Embassy in Japan: +81-3-6450-2195

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Osaka: +81-6-6445-9427

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Fukuoka: +81-92-753-6483

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Sapporo: +81-11-513-5335

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Nagasaki: +81-95-849-3311

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Nagoya: +81-52-932-1036

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in New Zealand: +81-25-228-8888

(General reporter Yao Ruixin)

Kim Jong_un guides ultra_large rocket launcher shooting training

Actually, it’s not just this reason, ddos攻击工具 Its own advantages are also obvious, and it is normal for the market to perform well.

Seoul, March 19. According to a report by the Korean Central News Agency on the 19th, Kim Jong-un, General Secretary of the Workers ‘Party of Korea and Chairman of the State Councilor, directed artillery units in the western region to conduct ultra-large rocket fire training on the 18th.

KCNA said that this is the first time that the country’s artillery units have used this ultra-large rocket with a caliber of 600 mm to conduct salvo training on a company basis. The purpose is to confirm the power and actual combat capabilities of the weapon system, and to check and improve the artillery units ‘combat mobilization status. After the company’s salvo, it also conducted an aerial explosion simulation test of the rocket at a predetermined altitude above the target.

The report said that Kim Jong-un said that overwhelming military force should be used as a force to completely eliminate the possibility of armed conflict and war. He emphasized that this ultra-large rocket gun plays an important role in war preparations, and requested that the modernization of artillery continue to be vigorously promoted around it.

South Korea will deploy military doctors to fill medical gaps

For the immediate pressure, ddos攻击平台 With its own coping style, it can break the predicament and usher in a new life through the quality of the product itself.

China, March 11. According to Yonhap News Agency, in the event of a collective strike by inpatients and interns, the South Korean government will dispatch military doctors and public health doctors from the 11th to make up for medical vacancies, while continuing to send notice of revocation of licenses to doctors who have left their posts.

According to news from the South Korean government and medical circles on the 11th, the South Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) will dispatch 20 military doctors and 138 public health doctors to 20 hospitals across the country. These medical staff are mainly responsible for surgeries on severe and emergency patients to alleviate problems such as delayed medical treatment.

On the other hand, South Korea’s Ministry of Welfare will this week issue a notice of license revocation to residents and interns who fail to comply with the work order. South Korea’s Ministry of Welfare has sent notices to doctors who have left their posts since the 5th, and the delivery is expected to be completed as early as the beginning of this week. According to the notice, the doctor who received the notice must provide his opinion before March 25, otherwise the government will treat him as having no opinion and impose disciplinary sanctions based on his authority.

The results of a written inspection of 100 internship hospitals across the country by the South Korean Ministry of Welfare showed that as of 11 a.m. on the 8th, a total of 11994 interns and residents were absent, accounting for 929% of the total.

Latest_ NATO troops exercise near Russian border

So, I believe ddos攻击平台 In the future, it will be promising to create a miracle belonging to the industry.

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, the Polish Ministry of Defense released a message saying that the NATO Northeast Division, composed of multinational forces, practiced defensive operations during exercises held in imaginary areas near the Russian border.

Poland’s Ministry of Defense said: During the Loyalty Lecda 2024 exercise, soldiers of the multinational Northeast Division were given such a task to carry out defensive operations in an imaginary area similar to the situation in northeastern Poland.

Reported that the command department of NATO’s Northeast Division refused to disclose details of the exercise content.

According to reports, the NATO Northeast Division headquarters is located in Elblong, Poland, and its mission is to coordinate the actions of NATO troops deployed in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. (Compiled by Liu Yang)