A landslide occurred in Papua New Guinea_ about 100 people died_ and more than 6 villages were affected

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On the 24th local time, Sandis Saka, governor of Enga Province, Papua New Guinea, publicly issued a document saying that the landslide that occurred in the province in the early morning of the day was an unprecedented natural disaster that caused huge losses to property and human lives. The landslide affected more than six villages in the province, and it is not yet possible to calculate specific losses.

Sandis Saka expressed sympathy to local communities and families, as well as to the people affected by the disaster and the victims.

Sandis Saka said that the Nga provincial government deployed a Rapid Incident Response Service team to the scene that morning to carry out rescue work and conduct a rapid assessment of the extent of local damage. The team is composed of officials from the Provincial Disaster Relief Office, Provincial Health Bureau, Police, Papua New Guinea Defense Force, and international organizations based in Papua New Guinea such as the Office of International Migration and the United Nations Development Program.

At about 3 a.m. local time on the 24th, a village in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea suffered a landslide. Local residents said the estimated death toll exceeded 100. Authorities have not yet confirmed the number of casualties. (General reporter Liu Zhimin)

Russian military claims to _recapture_ the results of last year_s Ukrainian counterattack

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According to a report by the Russian newspaper on May 23, the Russian armed forces regained control of the village of Klesheevka in the Donetsk region through hard work. This settlement and the village of Rabodino, also recaptured by Russian troops, are symbols of the results of last year’s Ukraine counterattack.

On May 22, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed the news of the recapture of the village of Kresheevka. The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that under the active action of the southern military cluster forces, the Klesheevka settlement in Donetsk was liberated.

According to reports, in addition, the southern military cluster also attacked Ukrainian troops in three residential areas of Georgievka, Ostroye, and Konstantinovka.

The protracted battle for Klesheevka begins in 2023. Control of the village changed hands several times. The main target for contention is adjacent highlands, from which military activity throughout the village can be monitored. (Compiled by He Yingjun)

Russia releases final election data_ Putin_s vote rate is 87.28_ and a record voter turnout

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According to a report by the TASS news agency on March 18, the final data released by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation showed that all votes had been counted, and the vote rate of current President Vladimir Putin was 8728%.

According to reports, Russian Communist Party candidate Nikolai Haritonov ranked second with 431% of the vote, and New Party candidate Vladislav Davankov ranked third with 385% of the vote, ranking fourth. The Liberal Democratic Party candidate Leonid Slutsky, who received 320% of the vote.

Elapamfilova, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, said that the voter turnout rate in the Russian presidential election was unprecedented.

She said at the Central Election Commission meeting held on the 18th: As of 10:00 on the 18th, 87113127 voters participated in this election. The turnout rate hit an unprecedented record, reaching 7744%.

She pointed out that more than 76 million people voted for Putin, which also set a record. In 2018, about 56 million Russians voted for Putin.

The report mentioned that Pamfilova also said that since the beginning of the presidential election campaign, more than 12 million cyber attacks have been recorded, 150 times the usual number. (Compiled by Li Ran)

Biden signs bill to ban U.S. imports of Russian uranium

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Washington, May 13 (Reporter Deng Xianlai) U.S. President Biden signed a bill on the 13th to ban the United States from importing low-enriched uranium produced in Russia.

Jack Sullivan, U.S. National Security Assistant to the President, issued a statement on the same day saying that Biden signed the “Ban the Import of Russian Uranium Act” and made it law, aiming to reduce and ultimately eliminate the U.S. dependence on Russia in the civil nuclear energy field.

The bill has previously been passed in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. According to regulations, 90 days after the bill takes effect, U.S. companies will not be allowed to import low-enriched uranium produced in Russia. The bill provides exemptions for utilities such as nuclear power plants that have to shut down nuclear reactors due to cutting off Russia’s uranium supply. The exemption policy will expire no later than January 1, 2028. The bill also authorizes the federal government to allocate $27.2 billion in funding previously approved by Congress to enhance the U.S. domestic uranium enrichment capabilities.

According to the Washington Post, U.S. companies currently import about US$1 billion worth of enriched uranium from Russia’s national atomic energy every year.

Multiple armed groups claim to _invade western Russia_

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According to a Reuters report on March 12, at least two armed groups headquartered in Ukraine said on social media that they invaded Russia’s western border on the 12th.

Reports said that both the Russian Free Corps and the Siberian Battalion announced on the Telegraph social platform that they had launched an attack from Ukraine to Russia.

The Russian Free Corps said in the telegram: We will regain our land from (Russia) centimetre by centimeter.

Russian officials say the groups are puppets of the Ukraine military and the CIA. Moscow says the latter is trying to incite chaos in Russia.

Andreyusov, spokesman for Ukraine’s military intelligence department, said that these organizations operate on Russian territory independently of Ukraine.

The Russian Freedom Corps ‘statement also appears to point to the upcoming Russian presidential election this weekend. The group said: People will vote for whom they want, Russians will live a free life.

A number of armed groups, including the Russian Free Corps, have previously claimed responsibility for other cross-border attacks from Ukraine to Russia. (Compiled by Xiong Wenyuan)

South Korean citizen groups rally to protest against the so_called _democracy summit_ held in South Korea

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Seoul, March 18 (Reporters Lu Rui and Sun Yiran) The so-called Third Democracy Summit led by the United States was held in Seoul, South Korea from the 18th to the 20th. South Korean citizen groups held a rally in central Seoul on the 18th to protest the so-called democracy summit.

According to local media reports, South Korean citizens ‘group National Popular Action held a press conference near the venue of the Democracy Summit on the same day to express their protest. People held banners that opposed the democracy summit held to maintain U.S. hegemony, and shouted slogans such as the democracy summit spreading false democracy and condemning Yin Yue’s government for blindly following the U.S. -centered value alliance.

Some rally participants said that the United States decided to hold the democracy summit in South Korea. Its intention was very obvious, to maintain its hegemony that was gradually collapsing and push South Korea to the front line of camp confrontation.

South Korea’s “Jingxiang Shimbun” published a commentary on the 17th, saying that the so-called democracy summit with the logic of camp confrontation does not have much support around the world, but South Korea has taken the lead in promoting the new Cold War values of the United States. Whether such an approach will help South Korea’s national interests is questionable.

Under the banner of democracy, the United States held the so-called democracy summit via video in December 2021 and a combination of online and offline in March 2023, which have been widely questioned by the international community.

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong tendered his resignation

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On May 13, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong submitted his resignation to President Shandaman.

According to information announced by the Prime Minister’s Office of Singapore on April 15, Lee Hsien Loong will step down on May 15, and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Wong Xuncai will be sworn in as the new Prime Minister at the Presidential Palace on the same day.

Huang Xuncai also previously stated that Lee Hsien Loong will remain in the cabinet as Senior Minister after stepping down on May 15.

Lee Hsien Loong, 72, entered politics in the 1980s and served as the Second Minister of Defense, Minister of Trade and Industry, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Singapore. He took office as Prime Minister of Singapore in August 2004 and has been re-elected to this day. (General reporter Liu Chang and reporter Hai Yue)

Ministry of Commerce_ Resolutely oppose unilateral trade protectionism

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Beijing, March 14: U.S. President Biden posted on social media saying that he would study petitions from several trade union organizations against China’s subsidies to shipyards. In response, He Yadong, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, said on the 14th that China firmly opposes unilateral trade protectionism that ignores WTO rules.

At a regular press conference held by the Ministry of Commerce on the same day, He Yadong said that the accusations made by relevant US organizations against China are completely untenable. Several reports have pointed out that the main reason for the decline of the U.S. shipbuilding industry is over-protection. The development of China’s shipbuilding industry benefits from enterprises strengthening scientific and technological innovation and accelerating high-end, intelligent and green development. The United States blames China for its own industrial development problems, which lacks factual basis.

What I want to emphasize is that the US Section 301 is a typical unilateralist measure that violates the basic principles of the WTO and blatantly ignores and undermines multilateral rules. The previous Section 301 measures taken by the United States against China have been ruled to violate WTO rules. He Yadong said that he hopes the United States will make prudent decisions and not repeat the same mistakes. China will pay close attention to relevant progress, take all necessary measures, and resolutely defend its legitimate rights and interests.

_Insufficient aid fighter jets__ Zelensky issued a _severe warning_ to allies

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According to a report by Newsweek on July 15, Ukraine President Zelensky issued a severe warning on the insufficient aid provided by allies to Ukraine for F-16 fighter jets. He said the number of F-16 fighter jets Ukraine received from allies this year was not enough to fight Russia.

Zelensky said at a press conference held in Kiev on the 15th: The decision to hand over F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine is strategic, but their number is not strategic.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken said last week that Ukraine’s NATO allies have begun handing over U.S. -made F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine and announced that the fighters will fly over Ukraine this summer to ensure Ukraine can continue to effectively defend against Russia.

Reported that Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium have promised to provide a total of more than 60 fighter jets to Ukraine this summer. However, Bloomberg News quoted unnamed sources as saying on July 12 that Ukraine may receive far less fighter jets this year than expected to receive only 6 this summer, and may receive 20 by the end of the year.

Zelensky told reporters: I can’t say now how many such aircraft (we) will have. But their numbers are not enough. They will certainly strengthen us, but whether these aircraft are comparable to the Russian aviation fleet is not enough. Do we expect more? Of course!

The report mentioned that on May 29, after Belgium promised to deliver the first batch of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine this year, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov issued a warning to the West. (Compiled by Long Jun)

Israeli army says it killed about 140 Palestinian militants at Shifa hospital

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Jerusalem, March 21 (Reporters Wang Zhuolun and Lu Yingxu) The Israeli military issued a situation report on the 21st, saying that the Israeli army had killed about 140 Palestinian militants during its military operation at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, and more than 600 suspects were taken back to Israel for investigation.

The report said that the Israeli army found weapons and intelligence documents of Palestinian armed groups at Al-Shifa Hospital. Israeli troops will continue operations in the Shifa Hospital area.

Israeli media quoted military officials as saying the military operation at Shifa hospital was expected to last for several days.

On the 18th, Israeli troops stormed into Shifa Hospital and issued a statement saying that intelligence showed that Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) militants had recently entered Shifa Hospital and used the hospital as a command center.

The Israeli army took military action against Shifa Hospital in November last year and claimed that Hamas ‘combat command center and military equipment were found in the hospital. The Gaza Strip health department denied this.