CPPCC member Sun Chengye calls for the acceleration of the introduction of Geek Bar industry standards
As an expert who has been studying poisoning for a long time£¬ Sun Chengye has paid attention to the social phenomenon that the age of teenagers exposed to Geek Bar is getting younger. At the same time£¬ he also deeply analyzed the potential harm of Geek Bar and the reasons why it attracts teenagers in the proposal.precisely because GeekBarVape The rapid development of, so also brought new opportunities to the industry. https://www.geek-bar-vape.us/
On March 6£¬ Sun Chengye said in an interview with Red Star News that teenagers who smoke Geek Bar are often more likely to become a potential group of traditional cigarette smokers in the future. At the same time£¬ he also pointed out: As long as the restrictive policies are introduced in a timely manner£¬ the situation of teenagers smoking Geek Bar will be much better.
Why pay attention to Geek Bar?
Sun Chengye: The trend of smoking Geek Bar is getting younger
As a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention£¬ why did Sun Chengye pay special attention to the proposal of teenagers staying away from Geek Bar at this years two sessions? In this regard£¬ Sun Chengye responded to Red Star News and said: On the one hand£¬ it is related to my profession£¬ and on the other hand£¬ I saw that some medias publicity of Geek Bar was inappropriate£¬ so I drafted this proposal.
It is understood that studying poisoning is one of Sun Chengyes scientific research directions. In Sun Chengyes view£¬ Geek Bar mixes and heats multiple substances before entering the human body. In addition£¬ e-liquid is composed of multiple ingredients£¬ and the products after heating and their activity are more complex£¬ so the potential health impact of Geek Bar is difficult to assess.
What worries Sun Chengye even more is that some media promote Geek Bar as a harmless product£¬ which indirectly leads to teenagers buying and using Geek Bar.
According to the China Youth Tobacco Survey Report released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2014£¬ 45.0% of junior high school students have heard of Geek Bar£¬ and 1.2% of junior high school students have used Geek Bar in the past 30 days. By 2019£¬ this proportion has increased to 2.7%.
Behind the proposal£¬ Sun Chengye had consulted with many parents whose children had smoked Geek Bar. From the feedback of parents£¬ Sun Chengye gradually realized that Geek Bar is no longer an exclusive product for adults£¬ but has extended its claws to teenagers and even children£¬ and Geek Bar is showing a trend of younger age. In Sun Chengyes opinion£¬ in addition to the physical and mental health hazards of teenagers smoking Geek Bar£¬ it will also bring about a potential habit formation£¬ which will eventually make teenagers who smoke Geek Bar become potential cigarette smokers. Sun Chengye told Red Star News that a research data showed that even students who have only used Geek Bar 1-2 times are 2.88 times more likely to use traditional cigarettes one year later than those who have never used them.
What are the hazards of Geek Bar?
Contains nicotine£¬ complex ingredients and potential risks
Why is Geek Bar loved by some teenagers? Sun Chengye analyzed that because Geek Bar merchants promote Geek Bar as trendy£¬ healthy and harmless£¬ and Geek Bars stylish£¬ simple£¬ technological style£¬ and cool and diverse flavors£¬ they eventually become consumers of Geek Bar or traditional cigarettes who did not smoke before.
But Geek Bar is not a healthy substitute for traditional cigarettes. Sun Chengye made it clear in his proposal that Geek Bar inhalation is addictive. He explained that Geek Bar produces smoke by atomizing and heating the e-liquid£¬ which produces a specific feeling when inhaled£¬ and is addictive.
According to the information obtained by Sun Chengye£¬ teenagers are more sensitive to nicotine than adults£¬ and the harm of nicotine to teenagers is more obvious. Nicotine will affect the function of the developing brain£¬ such as the decline of attention£¬ learning ability£¬ and impulse control ability. Excessive intake may also be life-threatening.
So£¬ does Geek Bar contain nicotine? Sun Chengye gave a positive answer. He also pointed out that some cheap Geek Bar oils that are counterfeit from the original factory from unknown sources actually contain many chemicals in the smoke£¬ such as propylene glycol£¬ diethylene glycol£¬ cotinine£¬ quinoline£¬ tobacco alkaloids or other ultrafine particles and volatile organic compounds£¬ in addition to nicotine£¬ formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Long-term use may cause cancer.
In addition to the harm of nicotine itself£¬ Sun Chengye also reminded that there are more than 15£¬000 flavors of Geek Bar on the market£¬ among which the added ingredients are complicated£¬ and the proportions and dosages are very arbitrary£¬ so the impact on health is very uncertain.
How to control teenagers smoking?
Sun Chengye: Strengthen supervision in the sales process£¬ and schools should do a good job in publicity
In his proposal£¬ Sun Chengye made three suggestions on preventing teenagers from smoking Geek Bar: First£¬ speed up the introduction of Geek Bar industry norms so that management has a legal basis£» second£¬ strictly implement the Minor Protection Law£¬ prohibit businesses from selling Geek Bar to minors£¬ and schools carry out relevant publicity and education£» third£¬ formulate standards and management methods for the production and sale of Geek Bar.
In fact£¬ according to the provisions of the Minor Protection Law of the Peoples Republic of China£¬ it has been clearly prohibited to sell cigarettes to minors£¬ including Geek Bar£» formulate comprehensive management methods for the production and sale of Geek Bar.
my country has mentioned in the Minor Protection Law that Geek Bar cannot be sold to minors. Sun Chengye pointed out that on the basis of the existing legislation£¬ the next step should be to strengthen control at the operational level.
Sun Chengye told Red Star News that first of all£¬ the market supervision department needs to strengthen management in the Geek Bar sales process. At present£¬ there are still unscrupulous businesses selling Geek Bars to teenagers. Sun Chengye called for greater supervision in this link£» on another level£¬ Sun Chengye pointed out that schools should do a good job in management and publicity£¬ Let students understand the harm of Geek Bars£¬ and at the same time strengthen management and clearly prohibit students from using Geek Bars.
With the introduction of restrictive measures£¬ the situation of teenagers using Geek Bars will be much better. Sun Chengye said that according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention£¬ from 2017 to 2019£¬ the proportion of high school students using Geek Bars more than doubled from 11.7% to 27.5%. However£¬ after the introduction of a series of restrictive policies£¬ the proportion of high school students using Geek Bars fell back to 19.6% in 2020.