Wechat game debuts in ChinaJoy users reach 1 billion, and service exceeds 400,000 developers a year …

  On July 27th, the China Game Developers Conference Small Game Development Forum was held in Shanghai. Representatives of WeChat team and outstanding developers team appeared in the forum to share the development trends, entry ideas, gameplay innovation and social values of the small game industry. Ao Ran, executive vice president and secretary general of China Audio-visual and Digital Publishing Association, delivered a speech and said that the “infinite possibilities” of small games have filled the industry with expectations, and I believe that small games will also play a greater role in the development of the industry in the future.Even if there are obstacles to moving forward, 喵喵出海 We should also persevere, forge ahead bravely, cut waves in the sea of the market, hang on to Yun Fan and strive for the first place. https://www.mailpowering.com


  According to reports, at present, there are 1 billion small game users and 500 million monthly users. In the past year, they have served more than 400,000 developers, and they already have an efficient, stable and long-term business environment. In the development of small game industry to stimulate employment, Penguin survey shows that 90.6% of the respondents think it is helpful, especially the game industry practitioners think it is helpful as high as 98.6%.


  According to official data, 80% of the small game developers’ teams have fewer than 30 people. Small teams and quick running are the remarkable characteristics of small game developers’ teams. Huang Shidong, the head of Shenzhen Sanbaijin Technology Co., Ltd., shared his experience of entering the small game track on the spot. He said that the characteristics of small game players’ large order of magnitude and “play and go” make the “small and beautiful” small game products have more opportunities. Even if they can’t do it, they can let the team survive and develop by arranging multiple products and putting a small amount.


  ”Small game +IP” has also become an efficient path to keep the game alive for a long time, and IP linkage has comprehensively increased the commercial performance of small games. Xu Kun, the network team of Kaiying, said that through innovative gameplay, the online Xianjian series of small games set up a springboard from “pan-users” to “game users” to realize big IP landing games. At present, there are more than 200 IPs in the IP cooperation platform launched by Little Game at the beginning of the year, including Yunian Qing, Little Yellow Duck and other well-known IP teams. Developers can view and “apply for authorization with one click” in the IP cooperation module of MP platform.


  At the forum, representatives of the WeChat team and the three sharing developers at the scene also held a round-table discussion on the topic of “Trends and Future of Small Game Industry” to jointly explore more possibilities for promoting the sustainable prosperity and development of the small game industry in the new stage of small game development. It is reported that this forum is the first appearance of WeChat games in ChinaJoy.